Term 3 2015
Learning and Teaching
Learning and Teaching
In year 1/2 We Are Learning To (WALT)....
Determining Importance: identify and describe the important and main ideas of the story.
Determining Importance: identify and describe the important and main ideas of the story.
Week 8: Grade 1- ow as in cow Grade 2- o as in frog
Week 9: Grade 1- ay as in tray Grade 2- u as in bus
Please note homework will be sent home on Tuesdays and returned the following Monday.
Persuasive: Understand what persuasive writing is and how to structure a persuasive piece.
WALT recognise and describe 1/2 as two equal parts of a whole.
WALT recognise and interpret common uses of halves, quarters and eighths of shapes and collections.
Location and Transformation
WALT give and follow directions to familiar locations
WALT interpret simple maps of familiar locations and identify the relative positions of key features
Week 8: Grade 1- ow as in cow Grade 2- o as in frog
Week 9: Grade 1- ay as in tray Grade 2- u as in bus
Please note homework will be sent home on Tuesdays and returned the following Monday.
Persuasive: Understand what persuasive writing is and how to structure a persuasive piece.
WALT recognise and describe 1/2 as two equal parts of a whole.
WALT recognise and interpret common uses of halves, quarters and eighths of shapes and collections.
Location and Transformation
WALT give and follow directions to familiar locations
WALT interpret simple maps of familiar locations and identify the relative positions of key features
Next week we will be having a celebration day for our Unit of Study. This will take place on Wednesday 2nd September and will be filled with activities reflecting old fashioned games and cultural celebrations. To make this day even more special we are asking all the students to dress up in something that reflects their families culture. Whether that be traditional dress, a costume or just a small item to add to the effect of the day. Also we ask for students to bring in a plate of food to share for lunch which might reflect a meal or food from your families culture. What's Been Happening in Level 2
Book day celebrations
Everyone looked outstanding in their book character costumes on Monday. The parade caused a lot of excitement and was the highlight of the day.
Tiddalick the Frog Performance
Last week the grade 1's and 2's were delighted by their incursion of Tiddalick the Frog. Students learnt the aboriginal dreamtime story of Tiddalick and enjoyed acting out the story as different animals.
Procedure writing
Last week it was all about procedures! Students read the 'instructions' to the Hokey Pokey and had to follow them to create the dance and also learnt the moves to the Nutbush and then recorded the steps. A whole lot of laughing and entertainment was had by all!
Fruit Fractions
We have been exploring fractions these past 2 weeks and learnt a lot about halves, quarters and eighths. We were lucky to have some fruit brought in and share between the class by cutting fruit into equal parts.
This week students read 4 more dreamtime stories and got to choose their favourite. In groups they determined the important parts and characters of the story, designed and created puppets and finally put on a puppet show to all grade 1's and 2's in the hall. Well done to all groups for getting up and performing in front of everyone, you all did a fabulous job!