Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Term 4 Week 3 Newsletter


Term 4 2015

Learning and Teaching

In year 1/2 WAre Learning To (WALT)....

Questioning - WALT: ask questions to understand what we are reading.
Connections - WALT: relate and link the text to ourselves, other things and the world. 

Grade 1 - week 4:or as in fork
               week 5: th as in feather
Grade 2 - week 4: air as in hair
               week 5: a as in banana

Letter writing/Response writing 
WALT: write a letter including date, senders address, address, greeting, information, farewell statement and correct tense.

Grade 1 WALT: 
- Tell time to the half-hour
- Describe duration using months, weeks, days and hours

Grade 2 WALT: 
- Tell time to the quarter-hour, using the language of 'past' and 'to'
- Name and order months and seasons
- Use a calendar to identify the date and determine the number of days in each month

This Term our Unit of Study aims to develop childrens' critical thinking skills using 'Wonderland' as an exploratory base. This week we have been turning our classrooms into Wonderlands and used fantastic creativity and team work to do so. We have also been introducing fairy tales and asking questions using De Bono's Thinking Hats to make us think more deeply about the story. There are 6 Hats and each makes the user look at the situation in a different way.

    The White Hat

    The White Hat calls for information and facts we know or want to know.

    The Red Hat

    The Red Hat signifies feelings, hunches and intuition.

    The Black Hat

    The Black Hat is judgment/caution - the devil's advocate or why something may not work.

    The Yellow Hat

    The Yellow Hat symbolizes positives, brightness and optimism.

    The Green Hat

    The Green Hat focuses on creativity: the possibilities, alternatives and new ideas.

    The Blue Hat

    The Blue Hat is used to manage the thinking process. Thinking about thinking and planning. 

Melbourne Cup - Tuesday 3rd November
The Melbourne Cup is a Public Holiday so no students will be required at school.

What's Been Happening in Level 2

Wonderland Photos

Time exploration
This week we have been exploring time in regards to the days of the week and months of the year. Here are some of the things we have been up to.

Have a fabulous week!

If you require a meeting with your child's teacher please don't hesitate to make an appointment with us.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Level 2 Newsletter - Week 1


Term 4 2015

Welcome back to Term 4 from your (hopefully) relaxing holidays. It is great seeing everyone back, excited and ready to go for another action-packed term. Welcome back to Noela Unwin who has returned from her wonderful overseas trip. I'm sure everyone is excited to have Noela back and to hear all about her adventures. Special thanks to Rachael Barratt for stepping in for 1/2U and doing a fantastic job.

Learning and Teaching

In year 1/2 WAre Learning To (WALT)....

Visualising - WALT create pictures in our head to enhance our understanding of the story. 

Grade 1 - wh and oo
Grade 2 - ow and ur

Narrative - WALT write a creative narrative with interesting characters, settings and events. 

Counting and Place Value
1- Develop confidence with number sequences to and from 100 by ones from any starting point. Skip count by twos, fives and tens starting from 0. Recognise, model, read, write and order numbers to at least 100, locate these numbers on a number line

2- Investigate number sequences, initially those increasing and decreasing by two, three, five and ten from any starting point, then moving to other sequences. Recognise, model, read, write and order numbers to at least 1000

This Term our Unit of Study aims to develop childrens' critical thinking skills using 'Wonderland' as an exploratory base. You may have noticed the teachers dressed up as characters from Alice in Wonderland and doorways with some decorations to spark creativity. 
We have discussed what Wonderland means to each person and have begun designs to decorate our rooms to create our own Wonderlands. 


Art Show - Wednesday 14th October 6-8pm

If you require a meeting with your child's teacher please don't hesitate to make an appointment with us.