Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Term 1, Week 9 24/3/16 Junior School

Junior School Newsletter: Term 1, Week 9

As the term draws to a close, we would like to thank all families for their support throughout the term and wish everyone a very safe and happy holiday period. We are looking forward to Term 2 and have many exciting things planned!

Learning and Teaching
In year 1/2 We Are Learning To (WALT)...

Week 9: ask questions- before, during, and after our reading
Term 2, Week 1: ask questions about a text and identify the who, what, where and when of the story

Grade 1 -  
Week 9: Spelling revision
Term 2, Week 1: 'air' as in hair

Grade 2 -  
Week 9: Spelling revision
Term 2, Week 1: 'ck' as in duck  

Week 9: structure rhyming patterns in our writing
Term 2, Week 1: sequence events in the order they occur   

Grade 1 
Week 9 - model and solve subtraction problems beyond 20
Term 2, Week 1: count collections to 100 by partitioning numbers using place value

Grade 2 
Week 9 - model and solve subtraction problems using trading to explore the relationship between addition and subtraction

Term 2, Week 1: count collections to 1000 by partitioning numbers using place value


Term 1: We are learning to understand the roles and responsibilities of members within the community.

Term 2: explore a variety of external features that living things inhabit


Term 1: We are learning to understand basic computer skills and use them more efficiently. 

Term 2: Identify and explore digital systems for a purpose

24th March: Last day Term 1 (Assembly 1:50pm, students finish 2:30pm)
11th April: Curriculum Day (Student free day)
12th April: First day Term 2 - Tuesday
25th April: ANZAC Day
27th April: PFA Council Meeting
Important Notices

Kids Cafè Class Roster
The Kids Cafe are calling for parent volunteers to help out and hopefully win your child's class a prize! Each class has been allocated a particular date, so please get involved - contact details are available on TiqBiz.

2O: Friday 15th April
2UO: Friday 22nd April

During Term 1 and Term 4, students are required to wear their Mentone Park wide-brimmed hat when outside. If a student does not have a hat, they will be required to play in a shaded area, as we do not lend hats. Students may bring sunscreen to school but they must be able to apply it independently.

As the days become colder, please remember that school uniform does not include leggings with school dresses. Please wear pants or the tunic with stockings or socks.

Homework will be due Thursday and new homework will be sent out on Fridays. Please remember to check they are doing their spelling words and reading to a parent nightly.  

Making News

A Photo Display of What's Been Happening in Level 2

A visit from Joel, our local Policeman

A visit from Anna, our local Vet

Krystal was a Vet for a day!

Phoenix was a Policeman for the day!


Achievement Awards Week 7 & 8
1A: Zara S - for showing resilience and modelling features of our BOUNCE Back program.

1O: Mitchell - for always showing enthusiasm with his reading and working hard to achieve his best.

2O: published in last newsletter

2UO: Tyson - applying himself and working hard to achieve amazing vertical addition results, with carrying!
Allegra - for ignoring distractions to help achieve her very best in letter writing to thank local community members. Great work! 

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Term 1 Week 7 9/3/2016 Junior School

Junior School Newsletter: Term 1, Week 7


We have had a wonderful term in the Junior School getting to know your children as they have settled into their new classes. It is lovely to see their happy, smiling faces each morning ready to start a fresh day and learn new things. Students have readily adopted the 'growth mindset' way of thinking that we are encouraging, and are always eager to challenge themselves with new ideas and concepts.Learning is a life long journey and we look forward to travelling along this road together.

Learning and Teaching
In year 1/2 We Are Learning To (WALT)....

Week 7: Knowing How Words Work - how nouns, verbs and adjectives help us understand what we are reading.
Week 8: Determining Importance: find the main idea in a piece of text.

Grade 1 - Week 7: 'e' as in bed
               Week 8: 'ck' as in duck

Grade 2 - Week 7: 'dge' as in bridge
               Week 8: 
'air' as in hair

WRITING: Understand the structure of a poem and how nouns,                         verbs and adjectives add interest to our poems.

Grade 1 - Subtraction: model & solve subtraction problems to 20
Grade 2Subtraction: model & solve subtraction problems beyond                  20


We are learning to understand the roles and responsibilities of members within the community.


We are learning to understand basic computer skills and use them more efficiently.

Grade 1: Use basic formatting techniques when processing text in Microsoft Word (including inserting images/clipart).
  Grade 2: Using formatting and editing techniques (including      inserting images/clipart and shapes/lines) to create a sentence


Monday, March 14: Labor Day long weekend
Thursday, March 17: Curiosity & Powerful Learning Parent                                              Information Night at Mentone Primary School                                  7:30pm - 8:30pm 
Friday, March 18:     NDAB (National Day Against Bullying)        
Saturday, March 19: Working Bee 11:00am 

Important Notices

Kids Cafè Class Roster
The Kids Cafe are calling for parent volunteers to help out and hopefully win your child's class a prize! Each class has been allocated a particular date, so please get involved - contact details are available on TiqBiz.

1O: Friday 11th March

2O: Friday 15th April
2UO: Friday 22nd April

During Term 1 and Term 4, students are required to wear their Mentone Park wide-brimmed hat when outside. If a student does not have a hat, they will be required to play in a shaded area, as we do not lend hats. Students may bring sunscreen to school but they must be able to apply it independently.

Homework will be due Thursday and new homework will be sent out on Fridays. Please remember to check they are doing their spelling words and reading to a parent nightly.
Subtraction activities have been set on 'Mathletics' for your child to complete at home. These activities are optional and support the work we are doing in the classroom. 

Making News

A Photo Display of What's Been Happening in Level 2

Vinny, Connie and Penny have been helping us with our writing. We are looking forward to meeting Ollie next week.
Connie Connective

Vinny Vocabuary

Number plate Maths outside with 1A and 1O
1A Pyjama Class Selfie

Penny Punctuation
Sustainability with Miss Oates

Can we find the fur seal's food?

Millions tons of rubbish are pulled
from our oceans each year

Making our sustainability bunting

We pledge to keep our environment clean

Dominoes Addition

Working on our addition strategies

Achievement Awards
1A: Kathleen:  demonstrating an amazing growth mindset and determination to improve her work
Eva: making a huge effort with her reading every day 
1O: Christina - using Vinny Vocabulary to assist her to write an outstanding narrative about the monster who visited our classroom.
Zara - practicing a growth mindset to extend and challenge her thinking when completing addition with missing number problems.
2O: Luke A. : demonstrating high expectations through consistently striving to do his best and ensuring his work is well presented at all times.
Theophania: for using lots of super 'WOW' words in her writing. 
2UO: Elly- amazing enthusiasm and persistence in maths when completing addition tasks.
Ava- sensational narrative writing and use of Vinny Vocab. Amazing!