Junior School Newsletter: Term 2, Weeks 5 and 6
Learning and Teaching
What a wonderful way to celebrate all things Italian! A huge thank you to all the students and parents for embracing the day and organising such exciting and colourful costumes. There were children dressed up as pizzas, Marios, Pinocchios, chefs, gondoliers and even Italian opera singers, to name but a few.
Thank you also to the fabulous parents who helped organise the pizza and gelato. The children must have really worked up an appetite considering just how fast the food disappeared...there were a few 'brain freezes' as the gelato was consumed. Yum!
Preps again enjoyed an in-visit from the wonderful and caring firemen from Mentone Fire Station. This time they brought the fire truck - and what great fun the children had climbing through the cabin and looking at all the different equipment. Of course the highlight was squirting the hose!
Thank you also to the fabulous parents who helped organise the pizza and gelato. The children must have really worked up an appetite considering just how fast the food disappeared...there were a few 'brain freezes' as the gelato was consumed. Yum!
Preps again enjoyed an in-visit from the wonderful and caring firemen from Mentone Fire Station. This time they brought the fire truck - and what great fun the children had climbing through the cabin and looking at all the different equipment. Of course the highlight was squirting the hose!
Week 5 & 6:
The foundation students continue to consolidate their knowledge of:
The foundation students continue to consolidate their knowledge of:
- all upper and lower case letters and the most common sound that each letter represents
- punctuation including appropriate use of capital letters for names and the start of a sentence and full stops
- writing and having a go at recording their experiences and the imaginative stories they have in their heads
The children have continued to be exposed to rhythms and sound patterns in stories, rhymes, songs and poems.
Grade 1 and Grade 2:
- Understand the structure of a limerick
- Create limericks in response to text characters such as the Gruffalo and the Tickle Monster
- Create poems to describe colours and the senses
- Consolidate our knowledge of the VCOP characters
Week 5:
Foundation: 'e' as in egg, 'er' as in teacher
Grade 1: 'ng' as in king,
Grade 2: 'er' as in teacher
Week 6:
Foundation: 'n' as in nest / 'sh' as in shark
Grade 1: 'sh' as in shark
Grade 2: 'oi' as in coin
Grade 2: 'oi' as in coin
Week 5 & 6:
The foundation students continue to consolidate their knowledge of:
The foundation students continue to consolidate their knowledge of:
- Using comprehension strategies to decode, understand and discuss books
- All upper and lower case letters and the most common sound that each letter represents
- Blending sounds associated with letters when reading consonant-vowel-consonant words and recognising digraphs and trigraphs
Grade 1:
- Read texts with familiar features and structures using strategies such as prediction, monitoring meaning and rereading
- Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning
Grade 2:
- Read increasingly complex texts with familiar features and structures using strategies such as prediction, monitoring meaning and rereading
- Use more complex comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning
Week 5 & 6:
Whilst the foundation students continue to practise doubles and 'Friends of 10' and develop their subitising skills, they are also consolidating their knowledge of:
Week 5:
Whilst the foundation students continue to practise doubles and 'Friends of 10' and develop their subitising skills, they are also consolidating their knowledge of:
Week 5:
- Subtraction to enable us to solve simple subtraction problems using hands on materials
Week 6:
- Using a range of efficient strategies to solve simple subtraction problems such as concrete materials, counting back and drawing the problem
Grade 1:
Week 5:
- Represent and solve simple subtraction problems using a range of strategies
- Solve simple subtraction problems using a range of efficient mental and written strategies.
Grade 2:
Week 5:
- Solve subtraction problems using a range of efficient mental and written strategies.
Week 6:
- Consolidate the use of a range of efficient mental and written strategies.
- Recognise and explain the connection between addition and subtraction. Recall subtraction facts for single-digit numbers to develop increasingly efficient mental strategies.
Further consolidate our understanding of the role of a scientist in our world.
Summarising what has been learn about mixtures.
Have reasons for the things you say and do.
Prep: start and log onto iPads with increasing independence
Grade 1: use the browser to access Mathletics and Reading Eggs
Grade 2: experiment with font, size and colour and further develop skills required to publish work
Prep: start and log onto iPads with increasing independence
Grade 1: use the browser to access Mathletics and Reading Eggs
Grade 2: experiment with font, size and colour and further develop skills required to publish work
The students have been learning about the 'Golden Rule'. This is 'Treat Others As You Would Like To Be Treated'.
Working With Children Check
All parents/guardians, visitors & volunteers to the school MUST sign in & out of the school and display their WWCC in a lanyard, which is available at the school office. The Department of Education requires any person involved in an activity where children may be present to have a current WWCC or have supplied proof that they have applied for a WWCC with the Department of Justice. All schools are required to comply with the Working with Children Act 2005. Volunteers are expected to carry the WWCC card with them at all times when working or volunteering at the school or during school related activities. There is no fee for this check. Apply now by visiting: www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au
The Junior School encourage and appreciate parent helpers. Please see your child's teacher if you are able to assist.
Lost Property:
We are collecting a lot of lunch and snack boxes which have been left outside and in the corridors. If you are looking for any lost items we are housing them for collection in the labelled pigeon hole near Miss Arentz's room.
Art Smocks
Mrs Unwin has requested that all students please have an art smock at school. There is no need to purchase one if you don't already have one as an old shirt or thick t-shirt will do the job. We would rather not send students home wearing their artistic pursuits!