Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Junior School Newsletter: Term 3, Weeks 1 & 2

Junior School Newsletter: Term 3, Weeks 1 & 2
Learning and Teaching

Welcome back Junior School families! We have jumped right into Term 3 with energy and excitement, ready for a new Inquiry topic, excursions, swimming, in-visits and other exciting learning opportunities. We welcome back Mrs Grisdale who had an amazing time overseas, and thank Mrs Mackay for supporting Junior G in Term 2. Swimming and CERES notices have been sent home so please return these as soon as possible.



Writing - Week 1
Foundation: Write a recount in order of events (VCELA156)
Grade 1: Write a recount in order of events VCELY195)
Grade 2: Write a recount in order of events using time words to connect ideas. (VCELY231)

Writing - Week 2 
Foundation: understand what a recount is and use full stops, finger spaces & capital letters in our writing (VCELT192) (VCELY194)
Grade 1: understand the structure of a recount  (VCELA226)(VCELT229)
Grade 2: understand the structure of a recount (VCELT229) (VCELY232)

Spelling - Week 1 
Foundation: B and d wordlist -bed, led, bad, sad, Dad, glad, lid, bat, but, and, land, stand EXT: ea as in beach
Grade 1: i-e as in kite
Grade 2: igh as in light

Spelling - Week 2
Foundation: ‘o’ as in dog
Grade 1:’ze’
Grade 2: Plurals add ‘es'

Reading – Week 1
Foundation: Use comprehension strategies to understand and discuss texts listened to, viewed or read independently (VCELY153).
Grade 1:
Understand that a letter can represent more than one sound, and that a syllable must contain a vowel sound (VCELA183). Recognise short vowels, common long vowels and consonant digraphs, and consonant blends (VCELA181).
Grade 2:
Recognise most letter–sound matches including silent letters, trigraphs, vowel digraphs and common long vowels, and understand that a sound can be represented by various letter combinations (VCELA218). Learn some generalisations for adding suffixes to words (VCELA217).

Reading – Week 2
Foundation: understand what a recount is and use full stops, finger spaces & capital letters in our writing (VCELT192) (VCELY194).
Grade 1: understand the structure of a recount  (VCELA226).
Grade 2: understand the structure of a recount (VCELY232).

Maths - Week 1:
Foundation: understand place value of numbers to 50 and what it represents.
Grade 1: understand place value of numbers to 100 and what it represents.
Grade 2: understand place value of numbers to 1000 and what it represents.
Extension: understand place value of numbers to 10000 and what it represents.

Maths – Week 2:
Foundation: Establish understanding of the language and processes of counting by naming numbers in sequences, initially to and from 20, moving from  any starting point (VCMNA069).
Connect number names, numerals and quantities, including zero, initially up to 10 and then beyond ( VCMNA070).
Compare, order and make correspondences between collections, initially to 20, and explain reasoning (VCMNA072).

Grade 1: Develop confidence with number sequences to and from 100 by ones from any starting point. Skip count by twos, fives and tens starting from zero (VCMNA086).
Recognise, model, read, write and order numbers to at least 100. Locate these numbers on a number line. (VCMNA087).
Investigate and describe number patterns formed by skip counting and patterns with objects (VCMNA093).

Grade 2: Investigate number sequences, initially those increasing and decreasing by twos, threes, fives and ten from any starting point, then moving to other sequences (VCMNA103).
Recognise, model, represent and order numbers to at least 1000 (VCMNA104).
Describe patterns with numbers and identify missing elements (VCMNA112).

Extension: Investigate the conditions required for a number to be odd or even and identify odd and even numbers
Recognise, model, represent and order numbers to at least 10 000
Apply place value to partition, rearrange and regroup numbers to at least    
10 000 to assist calculations and solve problems.

Week 1 & 2:  Understand how the stories of families and the past can be communicated.

Week 1: Being supportive of others by the things we say.
Week 2: Understanding what we do well on our own and what we do well with others.

Foundation: use the keyboard i.e. use the delete, return, caps lock button and space bar.
Grade 1/2: use Word and PowerPoint to publish our work.


Working with Children Check
All parents/guardians, visitors & volunteers to the school MUST sign in & out of the school and display their WWCC in a lanyard, which is available at the school office. The Department of Education requires any person involved in an activity where children may be present to have a current WWCC or have supplied proof that they have applied for a WWCC with the Department of Justice. All schools are required to comply with the Working with Children Act 2005. Volunteers are expected to carry the WWCC card with them at all times when working or volunteering at the school or during school related activities. There is no fee for this check. Apply now by visiting: 

The Junior School encourage and appreciate parent helpers. Please see your child's teacher if you are able to assist.                                                                              

7th August: School Council Meeting
19th -25th August: Book Week (Book Fair)
25th August: Excursion to CERES
29th August: Father’s Day Stall
28th August-8th September - Swimming (Water Safety Day: 1st September)
15th September: Responsible Pet Ownership