Foundation Newsletter - Term 3 - Week 9
Connecting with the Preps
What a show! What a performance! What superstars! What a HUGE day and evening!
The prep children were simply outstanding from the moment they hopped on the bus to head off to the Kingston Arts Centre until the grand finale of the wonderful production of Under the Big Top. The children showed incredible consideration by remaining quiet and orderly during rehearsals and whilst moving around backstage, as well as listening respectfully to directions and heeding all instructions. Although some children had butterflies in their tummies every single child put their best foot forward and absolutely shone.
What these 5 and 6 year old children achieved can not be underestimated! In only 7 'professional lessons' they learnt nearly 4 minutes of intricate choreography and then practised tirelessly to achieve their very best. It was simply wonderful to see how the children engaged with the dance and performance and lost themselves in the music.
What an incredible learning experience to be part of our whole school production!
We were (and are) so very proud!!
In between practices the children still had to apply themselves to literacy and numeracy learning!
In literacy the children continued to hone their writing skills further developing their knowledge of narratives and recounts. In reading the focus continued on identifying the beginning, middle and ending as well as understanding and applying a range of strategies to decode unknown words. Questions and discussions are ongoing during Guided Reading sessions, and after reading a text, to ensure children are comprehending what they are reading. If children do not understand what a story is about or what is happening within a story, they are "simply eating words". Reading has to have meaning.
Please discuss the children's take home books before, during and after reading to further help their comprehension skills. Posing questions about a shared story is also beneficial but there is a fine line between the right number of questions and overdoing it!! Bedtime stories should really be about relaxing and enjoying a special time.
Tomorrow we will finish our two week unit on Money. Thank you to all the parents who sent in items for our shop! The children really enjoyed the experience and showed great improvements when recognising different coins. Many students are now able to order coins from the smallest value to the largest value and some were even adding coins together to purchase their chosen item. Wow! Next week we will finish off the term with Position and Movement. The children will be involved in a range of physical activities to develop their understanding of terms such as: beneath, below, above, left, right, in front of etc.
The children thoroughly enjoyed creating their bird houses with the guidance from Anatoli from Craft Power and our wonderful parent helpers - Peter (Jordan's Dad), Phil (Pippa's Dad) and Elizabeth (Ollie's Mum).
They hammered and glued the pre-cut wood to make their fabulous creations. This week the children will be painting their bird houses to ensure they stand the test of time whilst out in all backyard conditions.
Undercoat - done!
Beautiful birds created in art waiting for their homes to be finished!
Last week we caught up with our Buddies to revisit what the students had learnt from our two Fire Brigade visits. We hope you enjoyed seeing their Fire Engines activity which was sent home. This week we are getting together to learn a new outdoor game! The middle and upper school have been enjoying this fun and exciting game and the Buddies can't wait to teach the Preps tomorrow!
- Could we please remind all parents and grandparents that students are to remain outside of the building until the bell goes at 8:50 unless an arrangement has been made in advance with a member of staff.
- Could all students please have their Library book in the Library books tub by Thursday morning as this is always our Library day. There are a number of students without their Library book each Thursday so could we please try to remember for next week so we can have all books back before the holidays. Thank you.
- We continue to encourage the students to practise their MIOOW words at home and to put them into the tub when they are ready to show us their hard work!
- The time has term the children will be encouraged to walk into the classroom and organise their belongings independently.
Dates to Remember!
Wednesday 19th September - P-2 Athletics Clinic
Friday 21st- Whole school footy day, special lunch and early dismissal 2.30pm
Monday 8th October - Term 4 commences
Friday 26th October - Halloween Disco
Stay tuned for more dates for exciting happenings in the Junior School
The children's reflections on their wonderful concert experience. Come and take a look!