Term 1, Week 5
The Foundation students have been busy over the last two weeks further settling into the routines of school life. Their confidence has soared and all the students eagerly move in and out of the preppie's playground and explore other areas of the school (except for the biggie's playground!). The children have been enjoying the Yoga to Go program where they have been learning about a range of values - honesty, respect and team work. They have been working on perfecting a range of yoga poses including "I am a mountain", "I am the sun" and taking on the persona of different animals such as snakes, lions and seals as stories relevant to the animal habitats are told.

The children have enjoyed viewing a range of books online as well as listening to the teachers read stories. They have been encouraged to predict what may happen in a text and identify their favourite part of a story. The children have had their first visit to the library where they book browsed and, with the help of Mrs O'Neill's 3/4 grade, chose a book which appeals to them. We will advise the regular library time once the children are in school full time but in the meantime we will again visit the library on a Tuesday. Please return the library books in a named library bag to the class library box before or on next Tuesday.
Some children did not have a library bag but were allowed to borrow as long as the book was put into their take home school bag. Please could you send a library bag to school next week, if you haven't already done so.
Over the past weeks the children have been exposed to the following sounds: p, i, n, m and d. These are in addition to the sounds introduced earlier - s, a, t. Playing with rhyme through books and poems (e.g. Ooey Gooey, I Saw A Little Worm Today) and clapping out syllables will help the children develop and consolidate their literacy skills. Additionally, regularly playing games such as 'I spy', 'Memory' and 'Fish' with the letters/sounds (and pictures) will help consolidate their knowledge. Practising writing the letters (always ensuring the sound of the letter is used) in shaving cream, with playdough, on whiteboards, in the dirt with a stick or even with pencils, textas on paper will further develop their confidence and competence. Having fun when doing these activities is one of the keys to help children lock these skills into their long term memory.
Thank you so much to the parents who have already assisted with listening to the children read their take home readers. If you would like to assist us with this all you need is a WWCC (Working with Children Check) and lots of enthusiasm. At the moment we would welcome parents on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday morning although this may change once the children are in full time (dependent on Specialist classes). Please follow the link: Working with Children Check.
The children have been enjoying lots of counting activities, counting forwards and backwards and discovering what is one less and one more. To cater for all children's abilities we have been counting from different starting points to a range of end points. We have been practising one-to-one counting, touching or moving every object as it is counted.
This week we have begun our new unit on Patterns. The students have been using coloured teddies to copy, create and continue simple, and increasingly complex, patterns.
Kids Connect
The children have continued to participate in our Kids Connect program, where the focus has been learning each others names and establishing some wonderful connections with their peers. We have several mantras within our classroom with 'Treat others as you like to be treated', 'Mistakes show you are trying' and 'Choose Happy' being the main inspirations.
We have again attached the Classroom Expectations which we encourage you to discuss with your children. If you have any questions, please come and see us.
We will show respect to all.
We will be kind to each other.
We will always try to do our best.
We will use our manners.
We will listen to the teachers and to each other.
We will never leave the school ground on our own.
We will be kind to each other.
We will always try to do our best.
We will use our manners.
We will listen to the teachers and to each other.
We will never leave the school ground on our own.
Could you please ensure your child is reading their Take Home Book every night and that you sign their Reading Journal. We also encourage you to continue to read picture/chapter books to your child on a daily basis to really instill a love of reading. Daily reading is essential to help your child improve their reading ability and oral language! Thank you for your support!
Tuesday: Performing Arts and Art - please ensure your child has a named Art Smock at school as soon as possible
Thursday: Physical Education - children are encouraged to wear runners on this day and bike shorts under school dresses, or wear skorts, shorts or long pants
Please ensure sure you have downloaded the FlexiBuzz app and selected our grade as soon as possible. All class and school newsletters and communications will be sent via this app. We don't want you to miss out on important information. If you would like some help doing this, we are more than happy to help you!

Please ensure sure you have downloaded the FlexiBuzz app and selected our grade as soon as possible. All class and school newsletters and communications will be sent via this app. We don't want you to miss out on important information. If you would like some help doing this, we are more than happy to help you!

Monday March 4: Yoga (Session 4)
Wednesday March 6: Meet the Teachers (Session 2)
Monday March 11: LABOUR DAY
Monday March 18: Yoga (Session 5)
Tuesday March 12: Children begin school full time
Thursday March 21: Harmony Day Multi-age morning - please see Harmony Day notice that was sent home and Flexibuzz message.
- Can we please ask that students only drink water at school and bring two fruit (fresh/raw) breaks each day
- We have a 'no nuts' rule for our classroom including peanut butter
- Being a 'healthy-eating school' we ask that lollies are not brought to school, instead kept as a nice treat for home time.
- If your child is having a birthday and you would like to bring something in for the class to help us celebrate the very special occasion, could you please just bring one item per child and remember our 'no nuts' rule
- Please return the 2019 Payment Summary Sheets to the office or the classroom as soon as possible.
- We always welcome parent/family helpers in the classroom. If you are interested, please ensure you provide a copy of your Working With Children Check to the office. More information can be found at: http://www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au/
- Term 1 is a SunSmart term - please ensure your child has a MPPS wide brim hat for recess and lunchtimes. Students without hats will be asked to play in the shaded areas.