Junior School Newsletter: Term 2, Week 6
Learning and Teaching
In year 1/2 We Are Learning To (WALT)...
READING: synthesise what we have read to improve our understanding and comprehension of the important parts within the text.
1 - Week 7: 'ng' as in king
Week 8: 'sh' as in shark
Grade 2 - Week 7: 'er' as in teacher
Week 8: 'oi'as in coin
WRITING: write information reports related to our Unit of Study, including a heading, who, what, when, where, why and a conclusion.
Grade 1: to develop number sequences to and from 100 /develop multiplication through ‘groups of’ arrays and multiplication stories
Grade 1: to develop number sequences to and from 100 /develop multiplication through ‘groups of’ arrays and multiplication stories
Grade 2: Investigate number sequences increasing and decreasing from any starting point/ develop multiplication through ‘groups of’ arrays and multiplication stories
Schoolyard Safari: reflection on our excursion
Introducing Earth and Space science
Introducing Earth and Space science
ICT: We are learning to identify and explore digital
systems for a purpose (including using word processing software and publishing
Important Notices
As the days become
colder, please remember that school uniform does not include leggings with summer school dresses. Please wear pants or the tunic with tights. Term 2
is not a SunSmart term and therefore students are not required to wear their
school hats at lunch and recess.
We have introduced
spelling activities this term for students to further strengthen their
spelling. They have the freedom to choose which activity they conduct each week
and we encourage them to at least try each activity by the end of the year.
Homework will be due Thursday and new homework will be sent out on Fridays.
Please remember to check they are doing their spelling words and reading to a
parent nightly.
Working With
Children Check
All parents/guardians, visitors
& volunteers to the school MUST sign in & out of the school and display
their WWCC in a lanyard, which is available at the school office. The
Department of Education requires any person involved in an activity where
children may be present to have a current WWCC or have supplied proof that they
have applied for a WWCC with the Department of Justice. All schools are
required to comply with the Working with Children Act 2005. Volunteers are
expected to carry the WWCC card on their person at all times when working or
volunteering at the school or during school related activities.
There is no fee for this check.
Apply now by visiting: www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au
The Junior School encourage and appreciate
Parent helpers!
Making News
A wonderful day was had by all on Monday when Level 1 and 2 visited the Melbourne Museum and the Botanic Gardens. We explored the Bug's Alive section at the museum before moving on to view other exhibits.
Next we climbed back on the bus and off we went to the Ian Potter Garden where we met out educators and started our adventure in the Botanic Gardens. We delved our hands into slimy compost worms, saw sleeping possums, wove our way around hidden tracks and learnt about the vegetation, made potpourri bags in the herb garden, went ponding and much more.
There were lots of sleepy little adventurers on the bus on the way home but we had a wonderful time. Thank you so much to all the fantastic parents and friends who helped make our excursion a success.
Achievement Awards Week 1 & 2
Congratulations to the following students who have worked hard to receive an Achievement Award this week:
1A: Natsumi
1A: Natsumi
1O: Zara
2O: Yianni
Isabella E.
Isabella E.
2UO: Ben