Thursday, 5 May 2016

Junior School Newsletter: Term 2, Week 4

Junior School Newsletter: Term 2, Week 4
Learning and Teaching

In year 1/2 We Are 
Learning To (WALT)...

Week 3: identify features of a narrative with a focus on questioning 
Week 4: use clues in the text to predict and infer what is going to happen – narrative texts

Grade 1
Week 3: ‘k’ as in kitten
Week 4: ‘oo’ as in book

Grade 2
Week 3: ‘ea’ as in bread
Week 4: ‘ey’ as in key

Week 3: We are learning to write adventure narratives with an Inquiry focus
Week 4: write adventure narratives using correct structure and punctuation

Grade 1: Measure and compare the lengths, masses and capacities of pairs of objects using uniform informal units
Grade 2:
Compare and order several shapes and objects based on length, area, volume and capacity using appropriate uniform informal units

Schoolyard Safari: we are learning to explore a variety of external features that living things inhabit

ICT: We are learning to identify and explore digital systems for a purpose (including using word processing software and publishing software).

16th May: Excursion to IMAX and Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne
17th May: Italian Day
18th May: Science Spectacular Open Evening

Important Notices
As the days become colder, please remember that school uniform does not include leggings with school dresses. Please wear pants or the tunic with stockings or socks. Term 2 is not a SunSmart term and therefore students are not required to wear their school hats at lunch and recess.

We have introduced spelling activities this term for students to further strengthen their spelling. They have the freedom to choose which activity they conduct each week and we encourage them to at least try each activity by the end of the year. Homework will be due Thursday and new homework will be sent out on Fridays. Please remember to check they are doing their spelling words and reading to a parent nightly.   

Working With Children Check
All parents/guardians, visitors & volunteers to the school MUST sign in & out of the school and display their WWCC in a lanyard, which is available at the school office. The Department of Education requires any person involved in an activity where children may be present to have a current WWCC or have supplied proof that they have applied for a WWCC with the Department of Justice. All schools are required to comply with the Working with Children Act 2005. Volunteers are expected to carry the WWCC card on their person at all times when working or volunteering at the school or during school related activities.
There is no fee for this check. Apply now by visiting:

The Junior School encourage and appreciate Parent helpers!

Making News
A Photo Display of What's Been Happening in Level 2

Kade's 'Before, Middle & End' poster on 'The Ugly Duckling'
Phoenix safely meeting Willow during the Responsible Pet Ownership visit
The eggs are in! Stay tuned for updates and student work about the soon-to-be chicks!

Achievement Awards Week 1 & 2

Phoenix: for his impressive detective skills during Reading and using clever questioning to identify which story "Witch Arentz" was from.

Joanna: for always putting her best effort into her writing and presenting work at a high standard.

Mia: for working hard to achieve her writing goals and producing some excellent work!

Chloe T: for her higher order thinking about what happens to frogs when put in a different environment. Well Done!

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