Junior School Newsletter: Term 2, Week 10
Learning and Teaching
Thank you for a wonderful term! We wish everyone a safe and happy holidays ready for an exciting Term 3! Some exciting things next term are our School Concert, Swimming Program and exploring the Olympics and location, location, location!
In year 1/2 We Are Learning To (WALT)...
In year 1/2 We Are Learning To (WALT)...
READING: identify the features of a
description with a focus on the purpose, punctuation, adjectives, verbs &
1 - 'i' as in tin
Grade 2 - 'ou' as in
WRITING: use our senses to write descriptions
Grade 1: Recognise, describe and order
Australian coins according to their value
Grade 2: Count and order small collections of
Australian coins and notes according to their value
UNIT OF STUDY: Explore the observable changes that occur in the
sky and landscape
ICT: We are learning to identify and explore
digital systems for a purpose (including using word processing software and
publishing software).
WELLBEING: describe how to use strengths to be a
good friend and family member
Important Notices
Student-Led Conferences
Student-Led Conferences are on Wednesday 22nd between 1:30pm - 7pm. These conferences are a fantastic opportunity for your child to share their learning with you.
You can book online by following the link to School Interviews Booking System and using the code: qega9
If you are unable to make a booking, but would like to do so; please contact your child's teacher who can book online for you.
Last Day of Term
Student-Led Conferences are on Wednesday 22nd between 1:30pm - 7pm. These conferences are a fantastic opportunity for your child to share their learning with you.
You can book online by following the link to School Interviews Booking System and using the code: qega9
If you are unable to make a booking, but would like to do so; please contact your child's teacher who can book online for you.
Last Day of Term
Friday 24th is the last day of term 3 and students will be dismissed at 2:30pm.
Working With Children Check
All parents/guardians, visitors & volunteers to the school MUST sign in & out of the school and display their WWCC in a lanyard, which is available at the school office.
The Department of Education requires any person involved in an activity where children may be present to have a current WWCC or have supplied proof that they have applied for a WWCC with the Department of Justice. All schools are required to comply with the Working with Children Act 2005.
Volunteers are expected to carry the WWCC card on their person at all times when working or volunteering at the school or during school related activities.
There is no fee for this check. Apply now by visiting: www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au
The Junior School encourage and appreciate Parent helpers!
The Marine Ambassadors and Green Gang, along with Miss Oates
are searching for some items that either can be recycled or donated to help
assist with some AMAZING programs that the students are developing. With the
school holidays coming up, do you have any of the following items around the
house that could please be recycled or donated ready for next term?
Old clothes for scarecrows
Children’s gardening gloves
Children’s gumboots
Plastic seashell sand pit
Herbs (seeds or seedlings)
Vegetables (seeds, seedlings or plants)
Fruits (seeds, seedlings or plants)
17th June: Science Open Afternoon
20th June: Reports go home
22nd June: Student-led conferences
24th June: Early finish for end of term
Making News
PMP this week helped us focus on our fine and gross motor skills. |
After reading the story 'Bertie's Socks' we came up with questions we would need to consider when shopping. |
Students did coin rubbings and wrote facts about coin features and what they could buy for that amount. |
Achievement Awards
Congratulations to
the following students who have worked hard to receive an Achievement Award
this week:
1A: Lewis
1O: Christopher
2P: Fraser
2UO: Vincent