Thursday, 2 June 2016

Junior School Newsletter: Term 2, Week 8

Junior School Newsletter: Term 2, Week 8
Learning and Teaching

Last week we farewelled Mrs O’Connor as she departed for the upcoming birth of her beautiful baby. We wish her all the best and cannot wait to meet her bundle of joy! By now, many of you will have met Miss Power, who has taken over Grade 2O. She is a fantastic addition to the Junior School and we are very excited to have her on board. Make her feel welcome if you see her in the corridor!

In year 1/2 We Are 
Learning To (WALT)...

READING: Synthesise - combine the important features from the text to assist our comprehension

Grade 1 - Week 9: 'a' makes the 'o' sound (as in swan)
Grade 2 - Week 9: “or” (as in fork)

WRITING: publish an information report with a title, description and conclusion

Grade 1: identify outcomes of familiar events and represent collected data with objects and drawings
Grade 2: identify activities that involve chance and create displays of data using lists, table and pictographs and interpreting them

UNIT OF STUDY: Explore the observable changes that occur in the sky and landscape

ICT: We are learning to identify and explore digital systems for a purpose (including using word processing software and publishing software).

WELLBEING: identify times when we have shown an act of kindness to a peer or family member

Important Notices

We have introduced spelling activities this term for students to further strengthen their spelling. They have the freedom to choose which activity they conduct each week and we encourage them to at least try each activity by the end of the year. Homework will be due Thursday and new homework will be sent out on Fridays. Please remember to check they are doing their spelling words and reading to a parent nightly.

Science Open Afternoon 17th June (1:50pm-2:40pm Open classrooms, 2:45pm Assembly)
20th June: reports go home
22nd June: student-led conferences

Making News
We were very excited to have James Thomas visit the Junior School to demonstrate some amazing scientific activities for us on Monday. The kids loved the volcano, density of liquids, elephant toothpaste and detergent demonstrations. Thank you for visiting us James!

We have been learning about Chance & Data in the Junior School and have really enjoyed surveying each other about our preferences and recording the data.

  We welcomed six chickens and one duckling into the Mentone Park Hatching Hub over the last fortnight, don’t forget to stop by to check out how cute they are!

Achievement Awards
Congratulations to the following students who have worked hard to receive an Achievement Award this week:

Emme & Kalani

1O: Sammy & Olivia

2O: Hazel & Layla

2UO: Peter

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