Junior School Newsletter: Term 3, Weeks 7 and 8
Learning and Teaching
What a busy time it is in the Junior area!
Last week saw the Junior team head to CERES on the Merri Creek in East Brunswick to learn more about our indigenous culture. The children participated in 4 activities - Bush Tucker, Merri Creek Walk, Ochre Painting and Aboriginal stories. A highlight was the ochre painting where the children ground ochre (rock) down to a fine powder before adding a few drops of water. The children used this paste and their fingers to paint a dotted or lined design on their arms. Subik painted the girls to represent the Barraimal (emu), while the boys were painted to represent Bunjil (the wedge tailed eagle). Another highlight was the story telling where the children learnt that stories in indigenous culture can be told by word of mouth, through dance or rock and cave drawings. All children dressed up as either a marran (kangaroo), a gaan (cockatoo), a walert (possum) or yuk thram (eels) to participate in the story of Tiddalick. Tiddalick the frog (ngert) was played by the class teachers!! Great fun!
Thank you to the wonderful parents who assisted us on the CERES excursion.
The children are loving the whole swimming experience! Their behaviour and attitude are outstanding. They are to be commended on their efforts to develop their water confidence and swimming skills. As we say to the children "Be Brave - Participate to Progress". Attending swimming lessons at school with their peers teaches the children skills well beyond the pool. The children are to be complimented on their organisational skills and their consolidating independence in getting dressed. A huge thank you to the parents and grandparents who are attending to the pool to encourage and assist.
Write a persuasive piece using correct structure.
Strategy - questioning
Grade 1:Identify the parts of a simple sentence that represent ‘What’s happening?’, ‘Who or what is involved?’ and the surrounding circumstances (VCELA178)
WRITING - WEEK 7 and 8What a busy time it is in the Junior area!
Last week saw the Junior team head to CERES on the Merri Creek in East Brunswick to learn more about our indigenous culture. The children participated in 4 activities - Bush Tucker, Merri Creek Walk, Ochre Painting and Aboriginal stories. A highlight was the ochre painting where the children ground ochre (rock) down to a fine powder before adding a few drops of water. The children used this paste and their fingers to paint a dotted or lined design on their arms. Subik painted the girls to represent the Barraimal (emu), while the boys were painted to represent Bunjil (the wedge tailed eagle). Another highlight was the story telling where the children learnt that stories in indigenous culture can be told by word of mouth, through dance or rock and cave drawings. All children dressed up as either a marran (kangaroo), a gaan (cockatoo), a walert (possum) or yuk thram (eels) to participate in the story of Tiddalick. Tiddalick the frog (ngert) was played by the class teachers!! Great fun!
Thank you to the wonderful parents who assisted us on the CERES excursion.
The children are loving the whole swimming experience! Their behaviour and attitude are outstanding. They are to be commended on their efforts to develop their water confidence and swimming skills. As we say to the children "Be Brave - Participate to Progress". Attending swimming lessons at school with their peers teaches the children skills well beyond the pool. The children are to be complimented on their organisational skills and their consolidating independence in getting dressed. A huge thank you to the parents and grandparents who are attending to the pool to encourage and assist.
Write a persuasive piece using correct structure.
Strategy - questioning
Grade 1:Identify the parts of a simple sentence that represent ‘What’s happening?’, ‘Who or what is involved?’ and the surrounding circumstances (VCELA178)
Foundation: Create short texts to explore, record and report ideas and events using familiar words and beginning writing knowledge (VCELY160)
Grade 1: Create short informative texts that show emerging use of appropriate text structure, sentence-level grammar, word choice, spelling, punctuation and appropriate multimodal elements(VCELY194)
Grade 2: Create short informative texts using growing knowledge of text structures and language features for familiar and some less familiar audiences, selecting print and multimodal elements appropriate to the audience and purpose (VCELY230)
Foundation: y as in fly Grade 1: ir as in bird
Grade 2: u as in shut
Foundation: or as in fork
Grade 1: oo as in moon
Grade 2: re - prefix
READING – WEEK 7 and 8
Foundation:Identify some familiar texts and the contexts in which they are used (VCELY151)
Grade 1:Identify the parts of a simple sentence that represent ‘What’s happening?’, ‘Who or what is involved?’ and the surrounding circumstances (VCELA178)
Grade 2: Discuss the characters and settings of different texts and explore how language is used to present these features in different ways (VCELT219)
Grade 1:Identify the parts of a simple sentence that represent ‘What’s happening?’, ‘Who or what is involved?’ and the surrounding circumstances (VCELA178)
Grade 2: Discuss the characters and settings of different texts and explore how language is used to present these features in different ways (VCELT219)
Foundation: Represent practical situations to model addition and subtraction (VCMNA073)
Grade 1: Recognise and describe one-half as one of two equal parts of a whole
Grade 2: Recognise and interpret common uses of halves, quarters and eighths of shapes and collection
Extension: Model and represent unit fractions including ½, ¼, 1/3 1/5 and their multiples to a complete whole
Week 7 and 8: We are learning to engage with the oral traditions, painting and music of Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander peoples.
Week 7 & 8: It takes great strength to be sensible and we do the right thing because it's the best thing to do.
I can use an iPad to access a range of literacy and numeracy apps.
Grade 1/2:
I can type in a specific web address to view information.
I can use the delete, return, caps lock button and spacebar.
All parents/guardians, visitors & volunteers to the school MUST sign in & out of the school and display their WWCC in a lanyard, which is available at the school office. The Department of Education requires any person involved in an activity where children may be present to have a current WWCC or have supplied proof that they have applied for a WWCC with the Department of Justice. All schools are required to comply with the Working with Children Act 2005. Volunteers are expected to carry the WWCC card with them at all times when working or volunteering at the school or during school related activities. There is no fee for this check. Apply now by visiting: www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au
The Junior School encourage and appreciate parent helpers. Please see your child's teacher if you are able to assist.
28th August-8th September - Swimming (Water Safety Day: 1st September)
15th September: Responsible Pet Ownership
15th September: Jump Rope for Heart
18th September: Curriculum Day