Foundation Newsletter: Term 1, Week 5
Connecting with the Preps
The Foundation students having been busy over the last two weeks further settling into the routines of school life. Their confidence has soared and all the students eagerly move in and out of the preppie's playground and explore other areas of the school (except for the biggie's playground!). The children have been thoroughly enjoying the Triskills (gymnastic) program where they have been practising jumping, landing safely, rolling, balancing, following directional language and a motorbike landing (ask your child for a demonstration!).
The children have enjoyed viewing a range of Julia Donaldson books online as well as listening to the teachers read stories. They have been encouraged to predict what may happen in a text and identify their favourite part of a story. The children also enjoy spending time each day book browsing. They look forward to visiting the library on a Monday afternoon where they can select a book which appeals to them. (Please return the library books in a library bag to the class library box before or on the following Monday.) Enjoy reading these books together.
Over the past weeks the children have been exposed to the following sounds: m, d, g, o, c, k. These are in addition to the sounds introduced earlier - s, a, t, p, i and n. They continue to play with rhyme through books and poems (e.g. Ooey Gooey, I Saw A Little Worm Today) and clap out syllables. Playing games such as 'I spy', 'Memory' and 'Fish' with the letters/sounds (and pictures) will help consolidate their knowledge. Practising writing the letters (always ensuring the sound of the letter is used) in shaving cream, with playdough, on whiteboards, in the dirt with a stick or even with pencils, textas on paper will further develop their confidence and competence. Having fun when doing these activities is one of the keys to help children lock these skills into their long term memory. (For correct letter formations, please see the sheet sent home today.)
We continue to play games to ensure the children know each other's names and to build a sense of a 'class family'. The children have now been given 'thinking partners' who they sit next to during 'work time' and on the floor for listening activities. These partnerships are fluid and will change every few weeks or as necessary.
The children have spent time getting to know their buddies through a range of activities. Last week the grade 6 students organised the activities which included treasure hunts, colouring in, obstacle courses and board games. They have been having a great time and are also enjoying their time together at recess and lunch.
Contacting your child's teacher
Please download the FlexiBuzz app and sign in to your child's class to ensure that you are receiving all relevant updates. Using the chat function on the app is a great way to connect with the teacher but if the matter is urgent, please phone the office as we are not always able to receive or act on messages during the day.
Please download the FlexiBuzz app and sign in to your child's class to ensure that you are receiving all relevant updates. Using the chat function on the app is a great way to connect with the teacher but if the matter is urgent, please phone the office as we are not always able to receive or act on messages during the day.
Working with Children Check
All parents/guardians, visitors & volunteers to the school MUST sign in & out of the school and display their WWCC in a lanyard, which is available at the school office. The Department of Education requires any person involved in an activity where children may be present to have a current WWCC or have supplied proof that they have applied for a WWCC with the Department of Justice. All schools are required to comply with the Working with Children Act 2005. Volunteers are expected to carry the WWCC card with them at all times when working or volunteering at the school or during school related activities. There is no fee for this check. Apply now by visiting: The Junior School encourage and appreciate parent helpers. Please see your child's teacher if you are able to assist.
Important dates & notices
Monday 12th March: Labour Day Public Holiday
Thursday 29th March: Term 1 Ends
Monday 16th April: Term 2 Begins
Thursday 29th March: Term 1 Ends
Monday 16th April: Term 2 Begins
Monday 23rd April: School Swimming Begins
Wednesday 25th April: ANZAC Day Public Holiday
- Please ensure you have sent in your child's art smock and library bag.
- Please make sure everything that is brought to school is labelled.
- The children continue to learn which food to take out at fruit break, recess and lunch times. Fruit break is eaten while the students are working on the floor or at their desk and so we do encourage fruit that needs to be cut up be put in a small/separate container so that the students can bring that to their desk or the floor instead of bringing their whole lunch box. The children are becoming more competent putting their two containers of fruit break into their classroom tubs as part of their morning routine. This is certainly helping with smooth transitions during the day. Thank you for encouraging your children to do this.
(More buddy pictures next newsletter!)
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