We wish Angus M, Max D and their families all the best at their new schools and hope that they will keep in touch with us to let us know about how they are going in this new chapter of their lives!
Thursday 29th - Last Day of Term (Easter Raffle drawn)
Monday 16th - Term 2 Begins
Monday 23rd - School Swimming Begins
Monday 23rd - School Swimming Begins
Wednesday 25th - ANZAC Day PUPIL FREE DAY
In READING this fortnight, we have been learning how to determine importance and reading rhyming stories, especially enjoying Dr Seuss books.
During WRITING this fortnight, we have been focusing on creating interesting narratives and recounts.
Our latest topics in MATHS have been Addition and Subtraction and how they work together to help us understand numbers. We are also investigating patterns.
This week we continued our INQUIRY topic by focusing on how we include others and reflecting on what we learned on Harmony Day.
The PITW key concept we have been focusing on this week is Being Brave to Participate.
- If you would like to volunteer in the classroom, please ensure the office has a copy of your Working With Children Check.

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