Term 2 2018, Week 2
Welcome back parents and families! Term Two has started off with the extra excitement of our Swimming Program and students seem to be really enjoying themselves in the pool. The ANZAC Day Service was a special occasion for the students to gain a better understanding of why/what we remember and honour about ANZAC Day, with each class presenting a beautifully handmade wreath. The Junior School students are enjoying the chance to make connections with students in other classes as part of our Maths Groups activities and are really taking our Cyber Safety lessons seriously, with many already using important strategies at home to be safe online. We are looking forward to our Water Safety Day today, and the hype for Italian Day is already around us, stay tuned for more information!
4th May - School Swimming Concludes
8th May - Mother's Day Breakfast
9th May - New Families Transition
10th May - Mother's Day Stall
22nd May - ITALIAN DAY
fortnight, we have been learning to ask questions before, during and after reading.
During WRITING this
fortnight,we have been focusing on narrative writing.
Our latest topics in MATHS have
been Addition and Subtraction and how they work together to help us understand
This fortnight we continued our INQUIRY topic by focusing on Community.
We have been investigating CYBER
SAFETY and how we can be safe when we are online by not sharing our
personal information.
- If you would like to volunteer in the classroom, please ensure the office has a copy of your Working With Children Check.
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