Term 2 2018, Week 4
After two fun weeks of the Swimming Program, our normal classes and programs have resumed and we are once again powering through the term! Jack and Grace confidently spoke at our assembly last week about all the wonderful learning experiences we are sharing in the Junior School, and with the upcoming excursion to the Australian National Aviation Museum as well as Kingston Library coming to visit us as part of our Local Community focus this term, things are just getting better! Our Monday Mingle continued this week, giving students more time to come together as a year level, and a chance to make some new connections or renew some old connections with students from other grades. The kids loved it!Finally, in the week leading up to Mother's Day, your children have been thinking of all the wonderful things you do to make their lives special, and we hope you enjoy your special day! From all of us at Mentone Park, we send our love to the mums, grandmas, foster mums, stepmums, soon-to-be mums, angel mums and mums of angels who do so much, and give so much of themselves. You are amazing!
10th May - Mother's Day Stall
Friday 18th May - Excursion to Australian National Aviation Museum
Monday 21st May - National Simultaneous Storytime (Hickory Dickory Dash)
Friday 18th May - Excursion to Australian National Aviation Museum
Monday 21st May - National Simultaneous Storytime (Hickory Dickory Dash)
22nd May - ITALIAN DAY
Thursday 7th June - Kingston Library In-Visit
Thursday 14th June - Metro In-Visit
Friday 29th June - End of Term
Thursday 7th June - Kingston Library In-Visit
Thursday 14th June - Metro In-Visit
Friday 29th June - End of Term
fortnight, we have been learning to make predictions before, during and after reading.
During WRITING this
fortnight,we have been focusing on narrative writing and information reports.
Our latest topics in MATHS have
been Subtraction and Measurement.
This fortnight we continued our INQUIRY topic by focusing on Community.
We have been investigating CYBER
SAFETY and how we can be safe when we are online by not sharing our
personal information.
- If you would like to volunteer in the classroom, please ensure the office has a copy of your Working With Children Check.
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