Thursday, 21 June 2018

Foundation Newsletter: Term 2 Week 10

Foundation Newsletter: Term 2 Week 10
Connecting with the Preps

As we reflect on the first semester of the children's schooling, it is an incredible realisation just how much the children have learnt and achieved in a comparatively short period of time. You only have to look in their books, listen to them read, tune into the conversations that fill the room and watched their interactions with each other to know how much they have grown academically, socially and emotionally. Each and every child should be proud of their achievements.

We would like to thank everyone for the incredible support we have had this term. We feel there is a wonderful connection between school and home, a partnership that provides the best possible opportunity for the children to reach their full potential. We would particularly like to thank all the parents and grandparents for 'getting behind' and enriching the children's experiences and understanding of their personal histories. We thoroughly enjoyed sharing in this Inquiry Unit with the children.

The first semester may nearly be finished but the count down continues to the First 100 Days of School celebrations. This day falls on Wednesday 1st August. Further information of the impending celebrations will be sent home at the beginning of Term 3.

Next term is going to be another busy and exciting time. We will be participating in the STOMP dance program on a weekly basis as the children hone their dance and performance skills in preparation for our bi-annual concert. Further information regarding this will also be sent home early next term.

Our Inquiry Unit will be based around Biological Science which will involve investigations of living things. It is the perfect unit to encompass a trip to the wonderful Melbourne Zoo!!

The children have continued to develop their skills to write simple narratives with one or two characters, a setting and an adventure. They are continuing to learn how to structure a story and further develop some of their wonderful ideas. The children are being encouraged to re-read their writing to look for simple spelling errors, left out words and to ensure the story makes sense. Is it logically sequenced? Does it come to a satisfactory conclusion?

The children all LOVE the opportunity to share their work in Author's Chair but some days it is just too hard to choose. So we circle up and share everyone's work!

We encourage everyone to continue listening to your children read during the holidays. Please spend some time encouraging your child to 'ponder' a book - what might it be about, who might be in it, does it remind you of another story or something you have seen or done? Please remember discussing the book after reading is vital to developing children's comprehension and, dependent on the book and where a discussion leads, also assists expanding/developing their general knowledge.

We are happy for your child to take home several books (or more) over the holidays but also suggest a visit to the local library.

Magic 100 Words
Next term we will continue testing the children on the M100W. We would like the children to practise through playing games at home and when they feel they are ready to let us know. We will then check their automatic recognition of a set of words and then, if appropriate, send home a new colour (set). If you feel your children can read the words without having to sound out (automatic recognition), you might like to begin challenging them to spell them correctly. Some words are a lot trickier than others!


Last week we enjoyed learning about Capacity! We compared the capacity of two containers and asked the questions, does this container hold more or does it hold less? The children enjoyed venturing outside to fill two containers with tan bark to then tip the tan bark out in two separate piles to see which container could hold more. We also used unifix to fill containers and then count to see which container could hold more or less. This week and next we are learning about 'sharing'. We have been telling 'sharing' stories such as, there were 10 cookies and two people, how many do they get each? We have been discussing sharing equally, fair shares and unfair shares.  

  • Could we please ask that for birthdays just a small treat for each student be brought in e.g. freddo frog, cup cake, or lolly pop. Thank you.
  • It has been great to see some of our students gain more independence by bringing in their school bag and unpacking it themselves. As we are now nearing the end of Term 2 it would be great to see more students doing this. You may have a discussion prior to school about what they need to do when they walk in e.g. put bag away, get out drink bottle, put fruit break in their tub and put black pocket in the tub.
  • Just a friendly reminder that fruit/veg break is to be raw food, not pureed or dried. Also we have fruit/veg break twice a day and so we encourage the children to have two pieces of fruit for the day. Thank you.

The Prep children enjoying P.M.P.

    Sitting in their 'teams' listening to instructions. Over the weeks, each child will have the opportunity to be a leader.

    Balancing on 'the bridge' and working the best way to cross.

    The 'A Frame'  is a bit more challenging.

    Throwing the ball onto the rebound net. Catching the ball can be tricky.

    Stomp and catch. Stomp on the end of the board and the bean bag flies up. You have to find the 'just right' amount of stomp otherwise the bean bag flies way too high or not high enough.

    Catching a bean bag in a 'wombat'.
    Controlling the ball with a hockey stick as you weave in and out of the cones.


    Taking care as you carefully step between the rungs on a ladder.

    Clapping the 'wombats' together to trap a flying beanbag.

    Heel, toe, heel, toe around a number of shapes. Note the balance beam in the background.

    Crossing the midline as you walk down the rope.

    Throwing beanbags into a crate.

    Catching the ball as it bounces off the rebound net.

    Throwing the ball onto the rebound net.
    The Preps were learning about symmetry as they made wonderful symmetrical butterflies in Art.

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Junior School Newsletter, Term 2 - Week 10

Term 2 2018, Week 10
What a fun, full and fabulous term this has been, and how quickly it has gone! We started with Swimming and ANZAC Day commemorations followed by Mother's Day Celebrations and a trip to the National Aviation Museum. National Simultaneous Storytime and Italian Day went off without a hitch and were a wonderful celebration of Literacy and International Adventures. Darya from Kingston Library helped us understand the impact of local libraries in our community, then Damian from Metro shared how to use public transport effectively, as well as how to move around our community safely. A representative from the Federal Police discussed being safe in our community, and gave us strategies to use when there is an emergency. Students enjoyed asking insightful questions about the equipment police use, the training they need to undertake, and the wonderful role they play in our community. Thank you to all our visitors for making our Inquiry topic of Community so worthwhile and valuable!
We are so grateful for all the support parents and families have provided to us as teachers, and to the school in general, as we are not able to experience such wonderful outcomes for our students without your help. THANK YOU!!
We wish all families a safe and happy holiday break, and look forward to seeing you all again in Term Three!

Monday 25th June: Reports sent home
Tuesday 26th June: Parent Teacher Conferences
Friday 29th June: End of Term 2

Monday 16th July: Start of Term 3/STOMP Commences

In READING this fortnight, we have been learning to make connections between the texts we read and the world around us.

During WRITING this fortnight, we have been focusing on writing persuasively and expressing/justifying our opinions.

Our latest topic in MATHS has been using multiplication as repeated addition and exploring the use of arrays.

This fortnight we continued our INQUIRY topic by continuing our focus on Community workers.

If you would like to volunteer in the classroom, please ensure the office has a copy of your Working With Children Check. 


Thursday, 7 June 2018

Foundation Newsletter: Term 2 Week 8A

Foundation Newsletter: Term 2 Week 8
Connecting with the Preps

What a fantastic Grandparent's and Special Friend's Afternoon!! One of the highlights of the term! The children were so excited to have their grandparents, special relatives, family members or friends visit the classroom to look at the incredible work they have produced on their personal histories. It was also a fabulous opportunity for the children to gain insights into their 'special person's' history - what it was like for them at school back in the "dark ages". For those children who did not have a visitor, they were made to feel special too as they spent time with our very wonderful aides, Sarah and Lisa, and were chatted to by other children's 'people'. The children also did themselves proud, singing Mrs Unwin's favourite song Peanut Butter Jam, as well as Waddly Archer and 2 short poems about worms.

Thank you to everyone who attended and helped make the afternoon an outstanding success.

The children have also been LOVING PMP sessions on a Monday afternoon. If you are able to help out with this over the next two weeks or even next term, please come and see us. We usually start about 2:45 and finish around 3:30. All you need is a Working With Children Check!

These past two weeks we have been focusing on writing simple, imaginative narratives. The children have spent time brainstorming possible characters, setting and adventures - knights, fairies, guinea pigs .... forests, castles, .... falling off a bridge,

After choosing their character, setting and adventure, the children were then encouraged to draw three pictures that represented the beginning, middle and ending of their story - this became their story plan. They then were asked to write at least one sentence about each picture thus creating a simple little narrative. The children - and the staff - were incredibly proud of their efforts.

The children have continued to participate in Guided Reading sessions and other small group activities to further develop and consolidate their literacy skills. Many children have also been doing 'reading records', that is, reading an unseen text to the teacher and being marked on accuracy, fluency and comprehension. The results of and the observations made during a student's 'reading record' help to ensure every child is reading books appropriate to their skill level.

No matter what level a child is at, it is important to not only continue listening to their reading on a daily basis but to also discuss the story - what happened in the beginning, middle and end. Including some challenging questions such as what do you think would happen if..., or does this story remind you of another story or something in their life, can also further enhance their understanding and connection to a story.


During our Warm Ups we continue to focus on counting forwards and backwards, subitising and learning our doubles and Friends of 10. Last week we began our unit on Measurement. We started on Length and used potatoes to order them from shortest to longest. The children also had to find items that were shorter and longer than their potato. This week  we continue to use our potatoes as we focus on Weight (Mass). The students have been hefting and using balance beams to look at what is heavier and lighter than their potato. Next week we focus on Capacity and will be heading to the sand pit with a range of containers!

This week the Buddies will be catching up to learn some new outside games and to eat their lunch together.

  • Could we please ask that for birthdays just a small treat for each student be brought in e.g. freddo frog, cup cake, or lolly pop. Thank you.
  • It has been great to see some of our students gain more independence by bringing in their school bag and unpacking it themselves. As we are now in Term 2 it would be great to see more students doing this. You may have a discussion prior to school about what they need to do when they walk in e.g. put bag away, get out drink bottle, put fruit break in their tub and put black pocket in the tub.
  • Just a friendly reminder that fruit/veg break is to be raw food, not pureed or dried. Also we have fruit/veg break twice a day and so we encourage the children to have two pieces of fruit for the day. Thank you.
Photos from Grandparent's and Special Friend's Afternoon

Potato Maths