Term 2 2018, Week 10
What a fun, full and fabulous term this has been, and how quickly it has gone! We started with Swimming and ANZAC Day commemorations followed by Mother's Day Celebrations and a trip to the National Aviation Museum. National Simultaneous Storytime and Italian Day went off without a hitch and were a wonderful celebration of Literacy and International Adventures. Darya from Kingston Library helped us understand the impact of local libraries in our community, then Damian from Metro shared how to use public transport effectively, as well as how to move around our community safely. A representative from the Federal Police discussed being safe in our community, and gave us strategies to use when there is an emergency. Students enjoyed asking insightful questions about the equipment police use, the training they need to undertake, and the wonderful role they play in our community. Thank you to all our visitors for making our Inquiry topic of Community so worthwhile and valuable!
We are so grateful for all the support parents and families have provided to us as teachers, and to the school in general, as we are not able to experience such wonderful outcomes for our students without your help. THANK YOU!!
Monday 25th June: Reports sent home
Tuesday 26th June: Parent Teacher Conferences
Friday 29th June: End of Term 2
Monday 16th July: Start of Term 3/STOMP Commences
Monday 25th June: Reports sent home
Tuesday 26th June: Parent Teacher Conferences
Friday 29th June: End of Term 2
Monday 16th July: Start of Term 3/STOMP Commences
In READING this fortnight, we have been learning to make connections between the texts we read and the world around us.
During WRITING this fortnight, we have been focusing on writing persuasively and expressing/justifying our opinions.
Our latest topic in MATHS has been using multiplication as repeated addition and exploring the use of arrays.
This fortnight we continued our INQUIRY topic by continuing our focus on Community workers.
If you would like to volunteer in the classroom, please ensure the office has a copy of your Working With Children Check.

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