Term 4, Week 1

Thursday October 25: Pilot In-Visit
Friday October 26: Halloween Disco
Monday October 29: P-2 Inquiry Excursion to Duck Park
Wednesday October 31: Halloween Fundraiser

In READING this week, we are learning how to visualise what we are reading and create descriptions based on our 'Mind Movies'.
During WRITING this week, we are publishing our recounts using Microsoft Word- experimenting with font type, size and colour, as well as inserting borders and images.
Our latest topic in MATHS is Place Value and we are consolidating the strategies we have been learning across the year during our open ended maths problem solving.
This week we started our INQUIRY topic, 'Location, Location, Location!' which focuses on our place in the world, geographical features of our community and mapping.

- We always welcome parent/family helpers in the classroom. If you are interested, please ensure you provide a copy of your Working With Children Check to the office. More information can be found at: http://www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au/
- If there are any parents/families that would be able to help us out with covering our 150 brand new Take Home Books, please see your child's teacher - we need all the help we can get. You can come in, or take some home, any help is appreciated!
- Term 4 is a SunSmart term - please ensure your child has a MPPS wide brim hat for recess and lunchtimes. Students without hats will be asked to play in the shaded areas.
- Don't forget to return your forms for the Halloween Disco - $10 to be paid by 22nd October
- You can still order Production DVDs from the office. Please use Qkr or visit the office for more information.
- Have you signed up for the Colour Run? It's happening on November 18 and we are super excited! See FlexiBuzz for more information.
- Have you thought about adopting a garden at MPPS? Check with the office for more information!
- If you have any old CDs that you can donate to Mrs Unwin for her amazing project that she is undertaking on our shipping container, please send them in... here is a sneak peak!

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