Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Foundation Newsletter - Term 4 - Week 7

Foundation Newsletter - Term 4 - Week 7
Connecting with the Preps
Thank goodness the sun shone for us on Wednesday! The children had a fabulous time connecting with the 2019 Preppies in our annual Transition Sports Session. (Is it really a year since the current preps were the little ones starting school??) Under the guidance of the current Grade 5 students, next year's Prep buddies, the prep children and pre-schoolers used 'wombats'(?) to catch bean bags, played with and hid under a rather large parachute, weaved balls in and out of cones with 'real' hockey sticks, jumped in sacks, caught bean bags with a hand held net, kicked soccer goals and threw balls at a rebound net - and more!!
The session was finished with delicious sausage sizzle - cooked lovingly by Lisa, Andrew and Cam (huge thank you 'chefs extraordinaire') - and icy poles.
ALL the children did themselves proud!

The children have been further exploring the creative narrative genre. They have also been very enthusiastic writers during 'Big Write' sessions. It is fabulous to have families on board, chatting about the proposed topics, sharing ideas and encouraging the children. This certainly helps the children with forming ideas and gives them greater confidence.

The children have been thinking about WOW words - adjectives - to help make their writing more engaging and interesting. They are also thinking more about the content of their writing. The preppies are continuing to learn to reread and edit their work - have they missed any words, are the sentences too long, are the high frequency words spelt correctly, have they used punctuation?                                   
This week we conclude our two week unit on Sharing. The students have enjoyed sharing 'lollies', counters and teddies while discovering what is a fair or unfair share. The students have enjoyed making up sharing stories and identifying the key words in word problems. Next week we will begin to investigate 2D and 3D shapes.


Colour Run

It was wonderful to see and feel such a fabulous community spirit at the Kingston Community Fun Run held last Sunday. It was so much fun to be part of this Colour Run - although for us it should have perhaps been called a Colour Walk or a Colour Stroll in the Park!

We would like to say a huge thank you to every member of the school community who played a part in organising this amazing event. The PFA, led by Amber and Kate, deserve a special mention. WOW - what a team!



The time has come....this term the children will be encouraged to walk into the classroom and organise their belongings independently.
  • Could we please remind all parents and grandparents that students are to remain outside of the building until the bell goes at 8:50 unless an arrangement has been made in advance with a member of staff.
  • Our Library day is Thursday.
  • We continue to encourage the students to practise their MIOOW words at home and to put them into the tub when they are ready to show us their hard work!
  • Could Reading Journals be signed each night and black pockets be at school each day. Thank you
  • Term 4 is a SunSmart term - please ensure your child has a MPPS wide brim hat for recess and lunchtimes. Students without hats will be asked to play in the shaded areas.
  • Could we please ask that all belongings be clearly named? Thank you.

Dates to Remember!
Walk to School: 7th - 30th November - We encourage all students to walk, ride or scoot to and from school! Even if you live further away you could always walk, ride or scoot part of the way to and from school!
Braeside Park Excursion: Friday 30th November (parents needed)

Whole School Sports Day: Friday 7th December (volunteers needed - please let your classroom teacher know)

Christmas Carols: 11th December

Parent Helpers' Morning Tea: 12th December
Stay tuned for more dates for exciting happenings in the Junior School


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