Term 4, Week 9

Location! Location! Location! Wow, what a great day we had at Braeside Park last week as part of our Inquiry unit. The weather was amazing, and the park had so many areas for us to explore. We enjoyed scavenger hunts, ball games, 'nature names' and a great 'Welcome Walk' around the park. Students particularly enjoyed the Adventure Playground and searching for all kinds of cute critters. As the term is drawing to a close, students have been working hard to finalise and consolidate their learning and we are very proud of their behaviour and commitment to having a growth mindset. We hope you are looking forward to the Carols night as much as we are, it is set to be a great night!
Friday 7th December: Whole School Sports Day - (volunteers needed - please let your classroom teacher know)
Monday December 10: Up Day Transition Afternoon
Tuesday December 11: Christmas Carols 5PM-7PM
Wednesday December 12: Parent/Helper Morning Tea 11:00am-11:30am
Thursday December 13: Class Parties (more information to follow)
Monday December 17: Final Transition Afternoon (meet 2019 teacher and class, reports sent home)
Wednesday December 19: Limelight Drama Concert 1:30PM-2:30PM
Thursday December 20: Christmas Walk-A-Thon 11:30am-1:30pm
Friday December 21: Assembly @ 1PM, Early Dismissal 1:30PM

In READING this week, we are learning to determine important information and the main ideas in fiction and non-fiction texts.
During WRITING this week, we are working on Christmas Poetry, including Acrostic and Shape poems.
Our latest topic in MATHS has been Division. We are looking forward to starting Shapes next week!
This week we continued our INQUIRY topic, 'Location, Location, Location!' focusing on weather and features of the land that are important to certain cultures. We will be continuing our work on weather and forecasts over the next week.

* Please return the 2019 Payment Summary Sheets to the office or the classroom as soon as possible.
* Please ensure that all students wear helmets if they are riding or scooting to school. If students are not wearing a helmet, they risk serious injury in the event of a crash.
* We always welcome parent/family helpers in the classroom. If you are interested, please ensure you provide a copy of your Working With Children Check to the office. More information can be found at: http://www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au/
* Term 4 is a SunSmart term - please ensure your child has a MPPS wide brim hat for recess and lunchtimes. Students without hats will be asked to play in the shaded areas.

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