Term 1 Week 9
Done and dusted! Unbelievably the Foundation children have almost completed their first term of primary school! It has been a wonderful term that has seen the children settle into the routines of school life, making new friends, understanding new rules and rising to the challenges of a learning environment. And having fun! And getting very tired!
We would like to thank you for your support this term whether it has been listening to the children read, helping to organise the Easter Egg raffle or in whatever capacity you have been able to assist! Your help has been greatly appreciated. Teaching is definitely a team job!
Next term we would like to invite parents into the classroom during literacy times to assist small groups of children with their learning. Please fill in the timetable that will be placed outside the classroom in week one of next term. (Unfortunately siblings are unable to attend during these sessions.) We continue to encourage you to come and listen to children read their take home books - siblings are most welcome during this time.
The children have continued to develop their understanding of phonics, vowels, consonants, bossy es and cheeky ys. Some children have been introduced to digraphs (2 letters making one sound eg. ch, sh, th) and CVC words (consonant, vowel, consonant words eg. cat, bat, fat). Other children continue to practise and develop their understanding of initial sounds. The children have also been developing their handwriting skills, remembering the correct starting point for each letter and the correct formations.
How far the children have come with their writing this term! Each child had a 'different starting point' when they arrived at school and it is so exciting to compare what they were doing a mere 38 days ago to what they are now doing. You are most welcome to come in and see their Writing Books.
The children thoroughly enjoyed our rotations with the Grade 1/2s. In the STEM room they were introduced to, and excitedly engaged by, the Scratch App which is a precursor to learning coding. To further develop the children's language skills, they walked around the school honing their listening skills, hearing and identifying the range of noises within our environment. During the library session they began to learn how to choose 'the just right' book. Each child now has a book box in the classroom that they can browse at various times during the week. This box contains 3 picture story books and 2 non-fiction books that each child has selected for themselves. These book boxes will be renewed every couple of weeks and are in addition to the library books that they take home.
We continue to build an understanding of the Golden Rule and the children are striving to ensure their choices reflect an understanding of this value - Treat others as you would like to be treated.
Staff Car Park
Just a friendly reminder that the staff car park is for staff only. Please make sure you use another safe spot to park in the mornings and afternoons. Thank you. Please note that some parents have permission to use the staff park.
No Trash Tuesday and Thursday
Thank you to the parents who are ensuring their children have 'no trash' in their lunch boxes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Our Green Gang would be very proud of you! Lets keep trying to reduce the amount of plastics we use and bring to school!
The children are very excited to hear about swimming next term. It is going to be an invaluable experience for the children as attending swimming lessons with their peers teaches them skills well beyond the pool. Further information is being sent home today with your child and you will receive more at the beginning of next term in regards to our class time. We would love some assistance to supervise the children dressing themselves but to do this you will require a Working with Children Check. If your child is not currently dressing themselves, this could be something to work on in the holidays.
Friday April 5: Last day of Term 1
Monday April 22: First day of Term 2
Monday April 29th - Friday 10th May: Swimming Program
- Can we please ask that students only drink water at school and bring two fruit (fresh/raw) breaks each day
- We have a 'no nuts' rule for our classroom including peanut butter
- Being a 'healthy-eating school' we ask that lollies are not brought to school, instead kept as a nice treat for home time.
- If your child is having a birthday and you would like to bring something in for the class to help us celebrate the very special occasion, could you please just bring one item per child and remember our 'no nuts' rule
- Please return the 2019 Payment Summary Sheets to the office or the classroom as soon as possible.
- We always welcome parent/family helpers in the classroom. If you are interested, please ensure you provide a copy of your Working With Children Check to the office. More information can be found at: http://www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au/
- Term 1 is a SunSmart term - please ensure your child has a MPPS wide brim hat for recess and lunchtimes. Students without hats will be asked to play in the shaded areas.
- Take Home Books - Could you please ensure your child is reading their Take Home Book every night and that you sign their Reading Journal. We also encourage you to continue to read picture/chapter books to your child on a daily basis to really instill a love of reading. Daily reading is essential to help your child improve their reading ability and oral language! Thank you for your support!