Term 1, Week 7

Welcome to the third edition of the Junior School newsletter for 2019!
As usual a short week ends up a busy week! The children returned to school excitedly talking about their Long Weekend, with many going on family holidays, but unfortunately some children were unwell and needed the time to recuperate.
Next week we commence our STEM, Language Studies and Library rotations. The children are very excited! Stay tuned to hear about all the news.
As part of our Inquiry unit the Grade Ones and Twos have been investigating ways to keep our bodies healthy through rest, nutrition and exercise. This week they have been planning a balanced and healthy food plate.
We have also planned a walk to the local Woolworths at Thrift Park on Tuesday 26th March to help consolidate understanding. To attend this excursion we need their 'local permission' form signed and returned to school, so if you have not completed this form as yet please do so ASAP. Each grade will need a couple of parent helpers to assist with student supervision on the walk. There will be two sessions with the first at 9:30 am and the second at 11:30 am. Please advise your teacher if you can help out on the morning.
As usual a short week ends up a busy week! The children returned to school excitedly talking about their Long Weekend, with many going on family holidays, but unfortunately some children were unwell and needed the time to recuperate.
Next week we commence our STEM, Language Studies and Library rotations. The children are very excited! Stay tuned to hear about all the news.
As part of our Inquiry unit the Grade Ones and Twos have been investigating ways to keep our bodies healthy through rest, nutrition and exercise. This week they have been planning a balanced and healthy food plate.
We have also planned a walk to the local Woolworths at Thrift Park on Tuesday 26th March to help consolidate understanding. To attend this excursion we need their 'local permission' form signed and returned to school, so if you have not completed this form as yet please do so ASAP. Each grade will need a couple of parent helpers to assist with student supervision on the walk. There will be two sessions with the first at 9:30 am and the second at 11:30 am. Please advise your teacher if you can help out on the morning.
Monday March 21: Harmony Day (Bring a plate)
Monday March 25: Yoga (Session 4) Tuesday March 26: Woolworths Excursion
Friday April 5: Last Day of Term 1

In READING this week, we are are learning to read between the lines to make inferences about a characters feelings or thoughts, by using our prior knowledge and the clues in the book. We have settled into the quiet routines of ability based reading rotations and enjoying the activities which incorporate reading comprehension, guided reading, Reading Eggs and spelling activities.
During WRITING this week, we have continued to work on our publishing skills and enjoyed finalising our good copies to make books for the classroom. part of the fun included sharing our books in Author's Chair.
Over the past fortnight in MATHS, we have engaged in addition tasks through games and open-ended dice activities.The students have completed a variety of activities at different levels using our new
differentiation system of mild, medium, hot and spicy.
differentiation system of mild, medium, hot and spicy.

* Please ensure that all students wear helmets if they are riding or scooting to school. If students are not wearing a helmet, they risk serious injury in the event of a crash.
* We always welcome parent/family helpers in the classroom. If you are interested, please ensure you provide a copy of your Working With Children Check to the office. More information can be found at: http://www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au/
* Term 1 is a SunSmart term - please ensure your child has a MPPS wide brim hat for recess and lunchtimes. Students without hats will be asked to play in the shaded areas.

Yoga Stretches
Team Work
Finally -Where's Wally Puzzle Completed!
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