Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Level 2 week 6


20th May 2015

Learning and Teaching

In year 1/2 We Are Learning To....

READING: Predicting and Inferring
This will support and strengthen our understanding of the story by thinking deeply about what things are happening, why things are happening and what will happen next whether it is written on the page or reading between the lines.

Spelling is covered in the homework program which supports our classroom learning. 
Week 7 - 1's: fl and 2's: ow, oa, o
Week 8: 1's: sh 2's: y, ie, long i sound

WRITING: Information Reports
We focus on what an Information Report is, why we use them, correct structure and finding relevant information. The children will be encouraged to write an information report using what they have learnt. 

Week 7 - CAPACITY: 
Compare and order capacities using informal units.
Week 8 - VOLUME & AREA: 
Compare and order volume and capacity using informal units.

INQUIRY: Our focus this term is science and our classroom learning will compliment and extend our Scienceworks excursion and Science in Schools program.
Week 7 - Light and Sound
Week 8 - Physical changes

Important Notices

  • Maths Morning: Come in to your child's classroomon Friday 22nd May at 9-10:30am  to experience a maths lesson with your child. We are in our second year of our Maths Specialist Program so come and see how our maths lessons flow and cater for all. See if you can spot the Warm Up, the Hook, the Launch, the Explore and the Reflection.

  • Kids Café - Below are the days for each class to volunteer in the Café. Please support our kids Café by lending a hand, even for just a short time. Any help is truly appreciated.
May 22nd 1O 
May 29th 1B
June 5th 2O
June 12th 2R
June 19th 1/2U

  • Helpers wanted for PMP - If you are free on Tuesdays we would love for you to come in and help out at PMP. With more helpers we are able to do more complex activities. If you are able to help at any stage please let your class teacher know, the more the merrier! 
PMP times
1/2U: 9am-9:30am
2R: 9:30am - 10am
2O: 10am - 10:30am
1O: 11:10am - 11:45am
1B: 12:15pm - 12:45pm

Merit Certificates
Congratulations to:
Ben M

     Making News

    Scienceworks Excursion
    Yesterday (last week) all the grade 1’s and 2’s went to the most awesome place in Melbourne city…Scienceworks!!! It took one hour to get there!

    At Scienceworks we watched a little film about toys and how they work. It was about two forces push and pull. I got a go at doing a race with a lady bird.

    Then we had to have a lunch before recess because it was a bigger break. When we went inside, we went upstairs to Nitty Gritty Super City! Me and Isabella got to see where recycled rubbish goes. Nearly everything is made out of recycled rubbish!

    By Isobel 1B

    Thank you to our parents who came along and helped make this fantastic excursion possible. 

    Italian Day

    On Tuesday the whole school celebrated Italian day with everyone dressed in Italian themed clothes. Students had fun mixing with all ages and enjoying a whole range of Italian themed activities. Best of all we got to enjoy a slice of pizza and some gelato at lunch! Thanks to Signora Beer for organising a fun filled day.

    Science in Schools

    Last week Ivan came and showed us more about the forces push and pull. We were able to explore gravity, magnets, equal forces and more. This week we moved onto light and sound and discovered how sound works through vibrations and how you can manipulate light by doing hand puppets.

    Bully Prevention This term we will be running our bully prevention program. During the next 2 weeks we will be focusing on Dealing with Bullies, specifically saying "no" and seeking support. We would appreciate it if you could discuss these with your children.  

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