4th June 2015
Learning and Teaching
In year 1/2 We Are Learning To....
READING: Predicting and Inferring -
Knowing How Words Work -
This will support and strengthen our ideas of the story by understanding the structures of words and sentences. For example adjectives, nouns, verbs, blends, vowels and consonants.
Spelling is covered in the homework program which supports our classroom learning.
Week 9 - 1's: cl and 2's: long u silent e

Publishing Information Reports -
We will focus on what an Information Report is, why we use them, correct structure and finding relevant information. The children will write an information report on a chosen topic using what they have learnt.
Description -
Using the senses to create a piece of writing describing an object, event, place or thing.
We are learning to recognise and represent multiplication as repeated addition, groups and arrays.
INQUIRY: Our focus this term is science and our classroom learning will complement and extend our Scienceworks excursion and Science in Schools program.
Week 9 - Physical changes
Week 10 - Combining materials
Important Notices
Reading Comprehension
and Decoding
We often have concerns
from parents that their child is not reading Take Home Books that reflect their
ability. Please be aware that reading levels are not solely determined by their
ability to decode words and teacher judgement but also calculated by a precise
formula that takes all areas of reading into consideration. This ensures that
your child develops all the essential skills they need to be a successful
Many students are able to
read competently and while this is a beneficial skill it is only one part of
the reading process. When reading or listening to texts it is essential
students develop the skills to question and analyse the author’s viewpoint,
position, or purpose.
In this age of readily accessible
information it is imperative that students do not simply accept what is
presented to them, and have the skills to analyse information, both literal and inferential. Students need to be aware that all texts are written from a
perspective and that it is important to examine the texts (including words,
diagrams, photos, graphs, and charts) for issues of bias, stereotyping, and social
When sharing your child’s Take Home Book it would be valuable for
you to discuss the text in depth to further develop their comprehension skills.
Please understand that your child’s reading level is calculated not only by
their fluency and decoding skills but also their ability to comprehend the
meaning within the text. Students must be confident and competent with all
reading strategies before they progress.
It is our aim to equip students with the skill to succeed in this
ever changing world and reading and comprehension is a vital component to their
future success.
Kids Café - Below are the days for each class to volunteer in the Café. Please support our kids Café by lending a hand, even for just a short time. Any help is truly appreciated.
June 5th 2O
June 12th 2R
June 19th 1/2U
- Helpers wanted for PMP - If you are free on Tuesdays we would love for you to come in and help out at PMP. With more helpers we are able to do more complex activities. If you are able to help at any stage please let your class teacher know, the more the merrier!
1/2U: 9am-9:30am
1/2U: 9am-9:30am
2R: 9:30am - 10am
2O: 10am - 10:30am
1O: 11:10am - 11:45am
1B: 12:15pm - 12:45pm- Homework - Just a friendly reminder that children are expected to complete their homework by Thursday. If there are any problems please come and see your child's teacher.
Merit Certificates
Congratulations to:
Chloe D
Isabella E
Sonny S
Sebastian S
Sam G
Chloe D
Isabella E
Sonny S
Sebastian S
Sam G
Jump Rope For Heart
We recently had our Jump Off Day to support Jump Rope for Heart. Across the whole school we got into groups and rotated through 6 activities of jumping, skipping and active games. There was lots of laughs and fun had by all. If you still have donations to make please bring back your form and money to your class teacher or the office.
Shadow Puppet Shows
We recently had our Jump Off Day to support Jump Rope for Heart. Across the whole school we got into groups and rotated through 6 activities of jumping, skipping and active games. There was lots of laughs and fun had by all. If you still have donations to make please bring back your form and money to your class teacher or the office.
Last week students had the opportunity to create shadow puppet plays to reinforce and support their learning on light and sound. We used the sun as our light source and used musical instruments to add sound to create the scene.
Passionate Pursuits
The students are still loving their Friday afternoons spending time with friends and different teachers doing activities they are passionate about. Here are some pictures from the Card Sharks and Board Game group.
For the past few weeks the grade 1's and 2's have been exploring measurement. Here are a few comments and some photos from our exploration of length, capacity, measurement and perimeter.
We are measuring the area of the inside and we estimated how many it would be and then we checked with icy pole sticks. Cy and Nikola
I learnt that the things have to be touching and there can't be any gaps when measuring. Keira
I like estimating and putting sticks end to end to measure. Tina
Bully Prevention
This term we will be running our Bully Prevention Program. During the next 2 weeks we will be focusing on a safe school environment and cyber bullying. We would appreciate it if you could discuss these with your children.
For the past few weeks the grade 1's and 2's have been exploring measurement. Here are a few comments and some photos from our exploration of length, capacity, measurement and perimeter.
We are measuring the area of the inside and we estimated how many it would be and then we checked with icy pole sticks. Cy and Nikola
I learnt that the things have to be touching and there can't be any gaps when measuring. Keira
I like estimating and putting sticks end to end to measure. Tina
Bully Prevention
This term we will be running our Bully Prevention Program. During the next 2 weeks we will be focusing on a safe school environment and cyber bullying. We would appreciate it if you could discuss these with your children.
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