Thursday, 18 June 2015

Level 2 Newsletter - Week 10


18th June 2015

Learning and Teaching

In year 1/2 WAre Learning To....

Knowing How Words Work - 
This will support and strengthen our ideas of the story by understanding the structures of words and sentences. For example adjectives, nouns, verbs, blends, vowels and consonants. 

Spelling is covered in the homework program which supports our classroom learning. 
Grade 1 and 2: Revision 

Description -
Using the senses to create a piece of writing describing an object, event, place or thing. 

We are learning to recognise and represent multiplication as repeated addition, groups and arrays. 

INQUIRY: Our focus this term is science and our classroom learning will complement and extend our Scienceworks excursion and Scientist in Schools program.
Week 11: Celebrating our Science unit with a Science morning. 

Important Notices

Science Celebration Day! 
Monday June 22nd
Just a reminder that next Monday we are having our Science morning to celebrate our Inquiry Unit and the Science in Schools Program. This is an opportunity for you to see what your child has been learning this term. The day will commence with Assembly at 9am in the hall and then you are welcome to come back to the classrooms to view science in action. The morning will run from 9am until 10.40. We hope to see you there!

Kids Café - This Friday is the last day for kids Kids' Café this term. Please support our Kids Café by lending a hand, even for just a short time.

June 19th: 1/2U
Clean up: All welcome to help with cleaning on Thursday 25th June.  Closed on the last day of term, 26th June. Any help is truly appreciated.
  • Helpers wanted for PMP - If you are free on Tuesdays we would love for you to come in and help out at PMP. With more helpers we are able to do more complex activities. If you are able to help at any stage please let your class teacher know, the more the merrier! 
PMP times
1/2U: 9am-9:30am
2R: 9:30am - 10am
2O: 10am - 10:30am
1O: 11:10am - 11:45am
1B: 12:15pm - 12:45pm

Next Monday reports will be sent home with your child. Then on Wednesday from 1.30 - 7pm we will be have Student Led Conferences where your child will work with their teacher to celebrate and share their work. If your interview time is before 3.30 please collect your child from the hall 10 minutes prior to your interview to share their work outside the classroom. 

We look forward to sharing your child's achievements with you.

Merit Certificates
Congratulations to:
Tina S
Yianni T
Thada J

     Making News

    We have been exploring arrays in maths for the past 2 weeks. Here are some photos of our fantastic efforts.

    Physical Changes
    In Inquiry we have been exploring PHYSICAL CHANGES through making popcorn, melting ice, making toffee, melting chocolate and creating volcanoes. In each activity we have discovered and discussed solids, liquids and gases and how or why these changes occur. 

    Friday 26th June is the end of Term 2. Thank you for your support with our PMP, Kids' Café, excursions, classroom activities and for also guiding and supporting your children with their homework and reading at home. We hope you have an enjoyable and safe holiday with your children and your family and we will see you on Monday July 13th.

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