Thursday, 30 August 2018

Junior School Newsletter, Term 3 - Week 7

Term 3, Week 7

Another busy fortnight has flown by in the Junior School with production rehearsals, Father's Day breakfast/stall, totem pole painting, and the Book Week Parade/Literacy morning! It's been so much fun and the students have been so engaged and excited during each activity. A special thank you to all our helpers for the Book Fair, Father's Day Breakfast and the Father's Day stall... these wonderful occasions could not take place without our volunteers and co-coordinators so THANK YOU!! 

The Junior School Students are looking forward to our invisit tomorrow by CraftPower which is running throughout the day. Thank you in advance for all the wonderful volunteers who are helping supervise the students!

We wish all the fathers, stepfathers and grandfathers a very special day on Sunday! We send our love to those who cannot share this day with their loved one, you are in our thoughts 💗

Image result for fathers day funny meme 

Friday August 31 - CraftPower In-Visit
Tuesday September 4th - Production Day!
Friday September 21st - Footy Day


In READING this fortnight, we have been learning to ask questions before, during and after a text to support our comprehension.

During WRITING this fortnight, we have been focusing on persuasive writing and convincing the reader using facts and opinions.

Our latest topic in MATHS has been Fractions. We are enjoying learning about how fractions are used in our everyday lives.

This fortnight we continued our INQUIRY topic, 'Living Things' and the habitats of animals. Our invisit from CraftPower will help us understand more about what is required for an animal's habitat.

Please ensure that labelled costume items have been sent into the classroom in a labelled bag ready for production.
Grade 1s - black shorts/skort and white singlet
Grade 2s - black pants/leggings and white t-shirt (going to be tie-dyed).
Footwear: normal runners are fine

If you would like to volunteer in the classroom, please ensure the office has a copy of your Working With Children Check. 


Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Foundation Newsletter Term 3, Week 7

Foundation Newsletter - Term 3 - Week 7
Connecting with the Preps
Another exciting and very busy fortnight in Foundation! The children thoroughly enjoyed dressing up as a favourite character to celebrate Book Week. They particularly loved showing of their costumes during the parade - despite the freezing weather - as well as working with their Buddies and the grade 5 children on a range of literacy activities.

What an amazing array of costumes from a very hungry caterpillar to a princess who didn't want to sleep on a pea, a Wally and Harry.....the list of remarkable characters goes on. Some wonderful photos can be found below.A huge thank you to everyone for organising these fabulous outfits and inspiring the children.

The children thoroughly enjoyed creating 'our grade pole'. Every child had their hand painted and then it was carefully placed on our black-painted pole. The results are most impressive. Each grade is personalising a timber pole which will be placed in the new front garden. It is an excellent way to brighten the front entry area and welcome families, friends and visitors alike to our wonderful school.

We hope you have booked your tickets for our incredible Under the Big Top concert. The children have worked incredibly hard to 'perfect' their dance routine and they are amazing!! Although some children are a tad nervous, everyone is looking forward to seeing their parents and 'special people' in the audience.

The focus this week in Literacy has been based around Father's Day with the children completing sentences to explain why their Dad is their Super Hero. They have also worked hard to make beautiful cards.

Over the past two weeks many children have continued to develop their narrative writing skills where they have ensured they have a beginning, middle (complication) and end (resolution). Whilst some children are particularly passionate about writing more complex stories, it is wonderful to see all children now having a go at writing independently, applying their understanding of sounds and simple grammar to construct at least one sentence.

The children have also been building on their understanding of digraphs and have been introduced to trigraphs - 3 letters that make the one sound. Over the last weeks they have learnt about /air/ and /igh/. The grade is constantly revisiting the sounds all letters make as well as the expansive list of digraphs that have been introduced.

The children continue to be encouraged to use the correct pencil grip and appropriately form their letters. If you have any queries about this, please come and speak to us.

This week we finish our two week unit on Addition. The students have been using dice, counters, whiteboards and tens frames to create, record and make addition sums. Some students will use the count all strategy to solve their sum while others are now using the count on strategy. I'm sure your child would be proud to show you how they can solve simple addition sums.

Next week we begin our two week unit on Money. The students will be involved in playing 'shops' to help them understand everyday financial situations involving money. We will also focus on the different coins and notes we use in Australia.

This week the children have been thinking about animal habitats. This is particularly pertinent this week as on Friday each child will be constructing a bird house in the Craft Power Invisit. We hope the children will be able to find a safe place for their bird houses in their gardens....perhaps a bird feeder will be another project!


Last week we caught up with our Buddies to practise the finale song for the concert and we had a sneak peak at the Grade 5 and Grade 6 concert items which are looking fantastic! Tomorrow we will also be catching up for concert practice. The count down is on!
  • Could we please remind all parents and grandparents that students are to remain outside of the building until the bell goes at 8:50 unless an arrangement has been made in advance with a member of staff.
  • Could all students please have their Library book in the Library books tub by Thursday morning as this is always our Library day.
  • We continue to encourage the students to practise their MIOOW words at home and to put them into the tub when they are ready to show us their hard work!

Dates to Remember!
  • August 31st - Craft Power In-visit
  • September 4th - Stomp Concert - Under the Big Top