Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Foundation Term 3 Week 5

Foundation Newsletter - Term 3 - Week 5
Connecting with the Preps
What a wonderful excursion to the zoo! The children were fantastic on the bus and enjoyed a great day! It was wonderful to see their little faces full of enthusiasm and excitement. I hope you heard about the fabulous monkey show the cheeky gibbon put on for us! Thank you so much to our wonderful parent helpers on the day! We literally couldn't do it without you and are so appreciative that you gave up your day for the children. Thank you. Thank you. The children also enjoyed our two visits from the Fire Brigade. The children learnt about fire safety and got to climb inside the truck and have a go at using the fire hose! Ask your child what important fire safety messages they learnt.

And what a busy few weeks ahead! Next Monday sees the Prep children, along with the Grade ones and Grade twos, perform in a mini-concert for the next year's Foundation students. Not only that, but next Monday is also our celebration of Book Week with the children encouraged to dress as a character from their favourite story book. There will be a parade just after 9:00 and then the children will participate in literacy activities, including a session with their buddies. The children are also into full swing, practising their sensational dance moves for the school concert to be held at Kingston Arts Centre (old Moorabbin Town Hall) on the 4th of September. More information will be sent home shortly.

The children loved the Silly Scientist Incursion and were inspired to write and draw about the experience. They were introduced to the concept of chemical science and biological science. What was their favourite experiment? Elephant toothpaste? Observing what happens when oil, water and alka seltzer are mixed?  The 'Pencil Blocker' experiment? The optical illusions? Or learning that a didgeridoo is the only instrument to be made by biological science? Ask your child how the wood of a traditional didgeridoo is hollowed out?
Lots of great discussions took place after the incursion.

A display of the children's drawings and writing can be admired in the hallway outside the classroom.


We are continuing to study the unit of Time. The children have been ordering the days of the week and being encouraged to also think about yesterday and tomorrow. If today is Thursday, what day was yesterday? If today is the 13th August, what date was yesterday? There are some more challenging concepts that have been discussed such as what is meant by 'the evening' and what might you be doing at a particular time e.g. at 5 0'clock in the morning. The children are now able to more confidently relate a familiar event to a specific day e.g. go to swimming lessons on a Tuesday afternoon or have lunch orders on Wednesday and Friday. There has been a lot of practising telling the time to o'clock (some children have been working on half past times) as well as developing an understanding of how long a second is, how long a minute is and that there are 60 minutes in an hour.

The children have continued to enjoy learning about Living Things. They have many opportunities to browse books about a range of creatures and some children have even begun to record some interesting information from these books. We continue to encourage children to bring in pictures of living and non-living things to add to our Living Things Picture Board.


Last week we caught up with our Buddies to learn a 'Play is the Way' game called Zig Zag. The children had to focus, do their best throwing and catching and work as team to try and beat their last time. It was a great activity and the children were also learning about the importance of encouragement! This week we are catching up for some craft, creating a Living Thing with our buddy.
The students are currently enjoying learning the days of the week and greetings in Italian!
  • We have put the children's creative writing from 100 days of Prep celebration day in the classroom next door and they have also put their own flower on our special tree display, see if you can spot your child's self portrait! When you get a chance pop in and have a look at their fabulous work.
  • Could we please remind all parents and grandparents that students are to remain outside of the building until the bell goes at 8:50 unless an arrangement has been made in advance with a member of staff.
  • Could all students please have their Library book in the Library books tub by Thursday morning as this is always our Library day.
  • We continue to encourage the students to practise their MIOOW words at home and to put them into the tub when they are ready to show us their hard work!

Dates to Remember!
  • August 31st - Craft Power In-visit
  • September 4th - Stomp Concert - Under the Big Top
Help Needed Please

The children will be participating in a woodwork incursion on the 31st August and creating a wonderful project! The children will be sawing and hammering using real tools (small) and as such we will require 5 adults to assist us. If you are able to assist, please come and speak to us asap. Thank you.




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