Wednesday 1 August 2018

Foundation Newsletter - Term 3 - Week 3
Connecting with the Preps
Welcome back everyone! Term 3 has started off with a bang! We’ve now had our first Fire Education visit, we had an absolute ball today celebrating 100 days of Prep and we can’t wait for our excursion on Friday to Melbourne Zoo.


The children are enjoying writing recounts about their weekend on a Monday. It is always interesting to see what they remember and enjoyed! The children are also learning how to write a report and it has been great to see some students giving this a go during Free Choice writing. As our Inquiry topic is Living Things, we are also reading lots of reports on a range of animals.

So far this term some children have been focusing on the recording and sounds of letters "q", "r " and "v " whilst other children have been working on "ea" as in beach, "a" as in swan and "or" as in fork. The children continue to enjoy guided reading with their teacher followed by a range of reading activities, including Reading Eggs on the iPads. Thank you to the children who have been working on their MIOOW words and have brought them in to show us! Well done!


Over the last couple of weeks the children have been focusing on Counting and Place Value. The children have been counting forwards and backwards, recording and matching numerals and the corresponding name and drawing that amount accurately. They have also been ordering two digit numbers and are beginning to learn about place value. The children have been making two digit numbers using unifix cubes e.g. 17 is 1 ten and 7 ones. This week we have begun our unit on Time. We are ordering the days of the week and connecting familiar events with days of the week and next week we will look at o’clock times.


This term our topic is Living Things and so we have been discussing what a living and non-living thing is. That was a really interesting discussion! We began with a KWL grid, what do we know and what do we want to know. The questions from what we want to know have led the way for the texts we choose to help answer the children’s questions. What we have learnt will be completed at the end of the term. We welcome children bringing in pictures of living or non-living things to add to our Living Things Picture Board.


This term we have caught up with our Buddies to complete our comics that we began producing last term. We hope you enjoyed reading these at home. Today our Buddies surprised us by coming over to join us for lunch and they came with 100 days of Prep crowns they’d made and even cards! The Grade 6 buddies were very excited for them!
  • Could we please remind all parents and grandparents that students are to remain outside of the building until the bell goes at 8:50 unless an arrangement has been made in advance with a member of staff.
  • Could all students please have their Library book in the Library books tub by Thursday morning as this is always our Library day.
  • Please make sure your child is here on time tomorrow as the bus will depart at 9am.

Dates to Remember!
  • August 3rd - Melbourne Zoo Excursion
  • August 7th - 2nd Fire Brigade In-visit
  • August 9th - NED show - Whole School
  • August 31st - Craft Power In-visit




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